Barbara H. Peterson on March 21st, 2013

I am the last of my kind. That last of the truly pure here on earth. I have struggled long and hard to maintain my integrity, as did all of my brothers and sisters in a war we did not start, but were force into. In this war, we have been systematically overtaken by hostile genetically engineered forces and/or eradicated by toxic poisons that kill everything but the invading army, and we didn’t stand a chance.

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Barbara H. Peterson on March 19th, 2013

Just how much compromise do we have to accept to feel that it is okay to allow others to put poison in our food, to spray poisons on the land that we are supposed to be stewards of, to poison our animals that trust us to take care of them, to drop poisons from the sky, to put poisons in pills and vaccines that we are ordered to get if we want to keep subsistence jobs working for people who would rather see us dead than alive because we are just a statistic and replaceable, and to poison our very water supply?

Continue reading about Making Money and Living the Lie

Imagine this. A killer is put on trial, and the jury, in a surprise verdict, finds him not guilty. Afterwards, reporters interview this killer. He says, “The jury freed me. It’s up to them. They decide. That’s what justice is all about.” Then the press moves along to members of the jury, who say: Well, we had to take the defendant’s word. He said he was innocent, so that’s what we ruled. That’s an exact description of the FDA and Monsanto partnership.

Continue reading about Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crime families working a trillion-dollar hustle

Barbara H. Peterson on February 26th, 2013

You drench your fields with it in the fall. You kill anything growing. And you drench the fields again in the spring, before you plant. Then, just as you’re going to plant, you hit the fields a third time with the poison. This is in addition to all the sprayings with Roundup, which is toxic, too. Then you harvest the crops and you sell them. And consumers eat the food along with all the poison.

Continue reading about US farmers flood fields with dangerous poison to fight Monsanto superweeds