
by Jon Rappoport

February 25, 2013

You’re a farmer. Season after season, you watch your fields being taken over by Monsanto superweeds, which are resistant to the herbicide Roundup.

What are you going to do? You’re locked in. You’re buying your GMO seeds from Monsanto, and the food crops that grow from those seeds are supposed to be resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup, so that’s what you spray on your crops.

But the weeds are resistant. They spread and they grow taller. They’re taking over.

So you, along with many, many other US farmers, go to a strategy called “burndown,” which is just as bad as it sounds. You use something a lot stronger than Roundup to kill those weeds: Paraquat, for example, which has been banned in 32 countries.

You drench your fields with it in the fall. You kill anything growing. And you drench the fields again in the spring, before you plant. Then, just as you’re going to plant, you hit the fields a third time with the poison.

This is in addition to all the sprayings with Roundup, which is toxic, too.

Then you harvest the crops and you sell them. And consumers eat the food along with all the poison.

Tom Philpot, writing in Mother Jones (Feb.6), reports the alarming stats on the superweed takeover of US farmland. As of 2012, almost 50% of US farms had superweeds. In 2011, it was 34%. In Georgia, it’s now 92%.

The total acreage of US farmland with resistant superweeds jumped by 51% in 2012. In 2011, it was a 25% increase. That upward- percentage escalation is called a nightmare.

Well, so farmers are poisoning the hell out of their food and their fields. But with Monsanto’s super-duper GMO technology, the crop yields are still much bigger than they would be without the GMO seeds, right?

The Institute for Responsible Technology cites and quotes three reports on that score.

An International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development study, signed on to by 58 governments and 400 scientists, states that GMO crop production is “highly variable,” and in some cases it has “declined.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists’ 2009 report, “Failure to Yield,” emphatically stated: “Commercial GE [genetically engineered] crops have made no inroads so far into raising the intrinsic or potential yields of any crop.”

A US Dept. of Agriculture report: “GE crops available for commercial use do not increase the yield potential. In fact, yield may even decrease…”

Let’s summarize. Using Monsanto GMO technology to grow food crops results in massive poisoning of the farm land and the food. And increased crops yields are a fiction.

Nothing to see here, move along. Don’t worry, be happy. Stand back, technology at work. Progress is our most important product. Better living through chemistry. Ignorance is strength.

What would a president and his administration do to make sure the truth is overrun and squashed?

In addition to silencing the media, they would appoint a host of GMO insiders to key government posts, and they would bring to market as many new GMO crops as possible, to construct a fait accompli.

So let’s go to the scorecard and review the actions of Obama in his first term.

The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:

At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.

As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had preciously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.

We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.

Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.

The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn’t just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.

And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s detail the extraordinary parade of GMO crops that have skated through the open door of the Obama presidency.

Monsanto GMO alfalfa.

Monsanto GMO sugar beets.

Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.

Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.

Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.

Syngenta GMO stacked corn.

Pioneer GMO soybean.

Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.

Bayer GMO cotton.

ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.

A GMO papaya strain.

And perhaps, soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.

That’s how you control and squash the truth.

Jon Rappoport

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11 Responses to “US farmers flood fields with dangerous poison to fight Monsanto superweeds”

  1. Gary says:

    I finally found a site that sums it all up! thank you. As for this story, wow what a mess we are in. Don’t these people remember the old saying ” Don’t bite the hand that feed’s you” ? Monsato is so much like big tobbacco it is sickening, the only difference is people can live without smoking but we can’t live without food. There are so many problems in the world that overshadow GMO’s for most people and that is a problem in itself, besides the economy, foreign matters, oil, gun laws, ect.. these things are important to an extent but no matter how bad things get you should still be able to go to the grocery store and be able to safely feed yourself and your children without worrying about chemicals that are gonna give you cancer or diseases or mess your kid’s up for the rest of there life, Michelle Obama goes around to the schools trying to get kids to eat right- well WTF, does she not know about this? I think Obama got a ton of money to appoint these people? what do you think?

  2. NOTICE:

    This is not an article on religion. If you choose to have a religious debate, do so on your own dime, not mine, as I’ve had just about enough. Any more off-topic comments will be deleted.


  3. You betcha, Tina. Been there, done that. Most organized religion is garbage, no matter if it comes from a synagogue, church, mosque, or hole in the ground. I detest all equally as they are set up as propaganda pews, fleecing the sheep as they delude them, while peddling their own version of salvation. I’ll have none of it.

  4. Tina says:


    Don’t put this off on me. Christians throw hate at Jews in their bible, otherwise known as: Synagogue of satan, in referring to Jews.
    So if you’re so christian: ‘the christ’ etc, why not use the term church of the devil? Aim it at your own, and leave us out of it.

    Barbara: have you been both Jew and Christian, giving you room to criticize both?

  5. Tina,

    I do not allow hateful references to jews. The Synagogue of Satan, however, I do not consider such a reference. Compare to such references as “church of the devil.” Same thing. Since I consider just about all churches and synagogues indoctrination centers for control and manipulation, there is no way I will differentiate between the two. That, IMO, would be real prejudice. As it stands, I dislike both.

  6. paschn says:

    Why would reference to Christian dogma instantly garner a “hate” comment? I hate no one or group. Recall the Christ, during his short time on earth cautioned us to not return hatred for hatred to anyone. Why would you consider yourself a member of the Synagogue of Satan?

  7. Tina says:


    Umm, ‘the Synagogue of Satan’? Your Christian Bible’s anti-Semitic reference to us Jews? ‘And their minions’?

    I don’t appreciate that kind of talk.

    Barbara: this isn’t a hate site, is it?

  8. paschn says:

    Exactly. Many I speak with talk of ignorance, mistakes etc. The Synagogue of Satan make no mistakes nor do their Minions in power ruling and (mis) guiding the West.

  9. maddie says:

    Barbara Talbert,
    Obama and Congress would not give a damn even if they held PhD’s in organic chemistry or any of the associated sciences. They stick to the organic foods, feed us “useless eaters” the GMO poisoned products (I do not call it food), and allow the poisoning of ground and water resources with all the chemicals that are banned in other countries. They are NOT flying blind by any means. Agenda 21.

  10. paschn says:

    Ahhh. ’tis good to be a corporate “citizen” in the decaying Republic of AmeriKa!

  11. Barbara Talbert says:

    It is all there and the dangers to the health of everyone are being overlooked on purpose. Congress and the President are not trained in organic chemistry or many of the other “biosciences” at work here so the crucial issues of the day are not being addressed. An independent food and crop commission that answers to no-one but the people is sorely needed. The President and Congress are flying blind as regards GMO food and the chemicals needed to support it.