Barbara H. Peterson on February 26th, 2013

You drench your fields with it in the fall. You kill anything growing. And you drench the fields again in the spring, before you plant. Then, just as you’re going to plant, you hit the fields a third time with the poison. This is in addition to all the sprayings with Roundup, which is toxic, too. Then you harvest the crops and you sell them. And consumers eat the food along with all the poison.

Continue reading about US farmers flood fields with dangerous poison to fight Monsanto superweeds

Barbara H. Peterson on September 7th, 2012

When the biotech industry decides to use the lands and people of Hawaii as its test guinea pig, local farmers, activists, researchers, and others speak out.

Continue reading about Islands at Risk: GMO in Hawaii

Barbara H. Peterson on June 20th, 2012

Can one still believe Rothamsted’s GM wheat is a mere experiment with no commercial objectives in mind? Should taxpayer’s money be hijacked to support GM development for corporate agribusiness without regard for potential damage to health and environment?

Continue reading about Behind the GM Wheat Trial

Barbara H. Peterson on June 13th, 2012

Institute of Science in Society Corporation faces criminal charges for concealing own study in which cows died after eating its genetically modified corn Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji Biotech giant Syngenta has been criminally charged with denying knowledge that its genetically modified (GM) Bt corn kills livestock during a civil court case that ended in 2007 [1]. […]

Continue reading about Syngenta Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths from GM Corn