Barbara H. Peterson on December 6th, 2012

Monsanto doesn’t want a ban on GMO crops. No. And they certainly don’t want a strong movement in America to insist on a ban. Solution? Promote the idea of agricultural coexistence, just as AGree is doing. Divert anti-GMO forces into campaigns for labeling. Let those folks spend all their time, money, and energy trying to get labeling. Make sure the movement doesn’t turn into a powerful force demanding a ban.

Continue reading about ‘Yes on Prop 37’ was classic “controlled opposition”

Barbara H. Peterson on December 5th, 2012

Nobody is waiting in the wings to save us. The calvary isn’t coming. The calvary is here. If you’re still looking for your hero, check the mirror.

Continue reading about Is ‘Just Label It’ Controlled Opposition?

Barbara H. Peterson on July 29th, 2011

Contemporary law is no longer based on the Constitution and common law, but has been replaced by case law precedents. The GE alfalfa case (Forage Genetics and Monsanto v Geertson Seed Farms) is disturbing because it appears that a dangerous precedent has been set.

Continue reading about Incompetence Sets A Precedent – GE Alfalfa

Collectivist strategists realize that, as the New World Order unfolds, there will be public opposition to many of their programs. They reason that it would be stupid to wait for this to spring from natural forces, because then it might become too powerful to overcome. Instead, they anticipate this turn of events and create their own opposition so they can control it at every step of the way. They put forth leaders who are covertly loyal to their own camp or they support useful public figures who are susceptible to flattery, blackmail, and financial reward to insure that they follow the party line. In either case, these people must behave as genuine opposition leaders. They must be bold in stance and vigorous in activity. Their facts must be accurate, and their complaints must be valid. Otherwise, they will not appear as leaders, and no one will follow.

Continue reading about How Collectivists Create their Own Opposition – and how NOT to be fooled by it