Imagine, if you will, a world in which health sciences, disease control, cancer research, bio-weapons research, vaccine development, biotechnology, food and agriculture, national defense, and chemical companies all work together under the military.

Continue reading about In the Grip of Mad Scientists: Business as Usual for Monsanto, Fort Detrick, and Atlas Venture

Wally Paul on September 15th, 2010

Most Americans have been trained to love and worship philanthropic psychopaths that openly talk about killing us and get away with such chatter. They form non-profit organizations to protect their wealth and to use against the everyday people of the world.

Continue reading about Who Put Bill Gates In Charge of the World?

Wally Paul on August 30th, 2010

Codex is a UN agency that wants to control the food of the world. It operates with the goal to destroy the vast majority of the world’s population. They want to rid the world of, “Useless Eaters”. Eighty percent of the food consumed by Americans is now genetically modified food. This is the food codex loves. They are eugenicists, not agriculturists.

Continue reading about Codex Alimentarius : Control The Food, Control The People

Barbara H. Peterson on August 8th, 2010

What do Codex Alimentarius with its official food standards, the fluoridation of our water and food supply, genocide at the Auschwitz concentration camp, and Monsanto, the company responsible for genetically altering the world’s food supply all have in common?

Continue reading about The Codex, Fluoride, Auschwitz, Monsanto Connection