Barbara H. Peterson on August 29th, 2013

Now tell me who the real terrorists are….

Continue reading about The Real Terrorists – Graphic

Barbara H. Peterson on March 19th, 2013

Just how much compromise do we have to accept to feel that it is okay to allow others to put poison in our food, to spray poisons on the land that we are supposed to be stewards of, to poison our animals that trust us to take care of them, to drop poisons from the sky, to put poisons in pills and vaccines that we are ordered to get if we want to keep subsistence jobs working for people who would rather see us dead than alive because we are just a statistic and replaceable, and to poison our very water supply?

Continue reading about Making Money and Living the Lie

Barbara H. Peterson on May 11th, 2012

And just what will these people say when this universal infant immunization program is proven to NOT lower the overall incidence of Hep B infection after our children have been compromised with a dangerous genetically engineered vaccine that starts our lives out under the thumb of Big Pharma and the allopathic medical establishment, and ensures that we remain sickly and dependent on expensive drugs to treat all of the illnesses that we contract due to compromised immune systems that were attacked at our very birth?

Continue reading about Why is GMO Hepatitis B Vaccine Given to Newborn Babies?

Barbara H. Peterson on November 5th, 2011

Dave and Annie will be joined by Barb Peterson from to discuss how the global elite are poisoning our food and morphing human DNA. These allegations are quite unbelievable until the facts and the science are presented.

Continue reading about Common Sense Show – Transhumanism: Globalist Endgame?