Barbara H. Peterson on January 31st, 2013

ISIS has warned against the CaMV 35S promoter and called for all affected GM crops to be withdrawn since 1999 while damning evidence on its safety continues to emerge.

Continue reading about Hazardous Virus Gene Discovered in GM Crops after 20 Years

Barbara H. Peterson on December 6th, 2012

Monsanto doesn’t want a ban on GMO crops. No. And they certainly don’t want a strong movement in America to insist on a ban. Solution? Promote the idea of agricultural coexistence, just as AGree is doing. Divert anti-GMO forces into campaigns for labeling. Let those folks spend all their time, money, and energy trying to get labeling. Make sure the movement doesn’t turn into a powerful force demanding a ban.

Continue reading about ‘Yes on Prop 37’ was classic “controlled opposition”

The all-important impression is unmistakable: the White house stands for “healthy eating.” But meanwhile… Despite his hints that he would support labeling of GMO food, Barack Obama has done herculean work to destroy true natural food. The details are undeniable.

Continue reading about Is Michelle Obama’s “natural food” campaign designed to hide the White House attack on organic food?

Barbara H. Peterson on November 29th, 2012

The food revolution will not be modified.

Continue reading about Monsanto Nightmare