Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University and USDA senior scientist linked glyphosate to reduced nutrient availability in plants, increasing plant diseases, the emergence of a new pathogen, animal illness and possible effects on human health.

Continue reading about USDA Scientist Reveals All: Glyphosate Hazards to Crops, Soils, Animals, and Consumers

Barbara H. Peterson on November 30th, 2011

Most relevant to the new findings of Zhang’s team is an experiment in gene therapy using a precursor of miRNA. It turned out to have so many off-target effects that it killed more than 150 of the experimental mice.

Continue reading about How Food Affects Genes

Barbara H. Peterson on March 2nd, 2011

Agrobacterium could multiply and transfer transgenic DNA to other bacteria, as well as to the next crop to be planted. The discovery by the Bristol University researchers barely scratches the surface of the hidden hazards of GMOs from horizontal gene transfer. It is high time for a global ban to be imposed on further environmental releases of GMOs, and all those responsible for releasing them should be brought to book.

Continue reading about Dangerous New Organism Found and Linked to GMOs!

Barbara H. Peterson on April 18th, 2010

A paper published earlier this year reports that T-DNA can be transferred to the chromosomes of human cancer cells…The paper shows that human cancer cells along with neuron and kidney cells were transformed with the Agrobacterium T-DNA. Such observations should raise alarm for those who use Agrobacterium in the laboratory [for genetic modification].

Continue reading about Common Plant Vector Injects Genes into Human Cells – A GMO Nightmare!