Big Ag Busted! Outlines the myths surrounding big industrial agriculture effects on the food supply.

Continue reading about Food MythBusters – Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

Barbara H. Peterson on December 16th, 2012

If the Seralini experiments are considered insufficient to demonstrate harm, then those carried out by Monsanto cannot prove safety. This is because, whatever its limitations, Seralini’s study was conducted to generally higher scientific standards than the studies underlying GM food approvals.

Continue reading about Smelling a Corporate Rat – The Move to Suppress Seralini GMO Study

Barbara H. Peterson on December 10th, 2012

Monsanto and its allies have a time table. They believe they can accomplish, in a relatively short time, a fait accompli. There will be so many licensed GMO food crops and so many drifting genes, the very idea of ridding the world of GMO crops will be seen as impossible. In the meantime, they need to stall. They need to divert attention away from the one action that could torpedo all their efforts: BANNING GMO CROPS.

Continue reading about Prop 37’s biggest supporter was… Monsanto

Barbara H. Peterson on December 6th, 2012

Fiona was raised on a porch and hand fed for a good portion of her life. She eats everything out of my hand. Except those carrots…

Continue reading about If a goat won’t eat it, why should I?