Barbara H. Peterson on March 30th, 2014

For those who see what is to come due to that all-consuming greed and lust for control of all resources that is inherent in those who would seek to dominate all things around them, who possess the arrogance to think that they can improve on nature’s way, it’s all about building the ark.

Continue reading about Building the Ark

Barbara H. Peterson on March 26th, 2014

Welcome to an Agenda 21 in your face takeover, courtesy of your local corrupt tribal, state and federal governments acting as agents of the United Nations Agenda 21 population control program.

Continue reading about Agenda 21 Takeover in Klamath Basin

Barbara H. Peterson on December 16th, 2013

Comprehensive information regarding government collusion and the relentless push for GMOs throughout the world. What Séralini’s team discovered in rats is happening in humans.

Continue reading about Corporate Espionage: The Séralini Affair and Beyond

Barbara H. Peterson on October 16th, 2013

Yes, life as we know it is ending. It is being replaced by designer genes constructed in a lab and set loose on the environment with reckless abandon. We eat them, breathe them, drink them, absorb them through our skin, and pass the genetic changes on to our children. We are the experiment.

Continue reading about In the Beginning There Was Monsanto