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4 Responses to “Genetically Engineered Trees – The Increasing Threat / Documentary Video”

  1. Exactly, Kimberly! It is absolutely insane to criminalize hemp, while cutting down trees that live for hundreds of years for PAPER.

  2. Posted your link on my Facebook page too, Lawrence. Thanks!

  3. Kimberly Crail says:

    How about we just revert to hemp as a paper source? Renewable, grows in one season and makes great paper.

  4. Lawrence A. Oshanek says:

    Somewhere along the line, these enemies of life need to understand they risk their own for the harm they do to the rest of us.

    To understand the driving force mindset behind the companies doing these sorts of thing we need to understand them.

    Barbara … I am currently driving a campaign to deny the chairman of the Nestle Group of Companies from receiving a honorary degree from the University of Alberta. The issues are quite well noted on the facebook group, Our Water Is Not For Sale – but I want people here to watch this video because it does explain the corporate mindset ….