Brandon Smith


There is nothing more disgusting or detestable than a citizen informant. Without citizen informants, tyrants could never retain the kind of power they wield. In fact, without citizen informants, totalitarian movements would never gain traction. This is why EVERY functional oligarchy throughout history has implemented programs designed to encourage the development of common spies, using the promise of monetary reward, or collective recognition.

Sadly, there are many in our society that would gladly sell out their closest friends and family to the tortures of authoritarian bureaucracy for nothing more than a firm pat on the head and a few fiat dollars. If there was ever a more degraded lot of bottom feeding opportunist scum, the citizen informant is the very epitome.

With the implementation of the “See Something, Say Something” program, and the increasing drive by the White House to institute community watch efforts to route out “extremists”, showcased quite clearly in strategic outlines like the ‘Empowering Local Partners To Prevent Violent Extremism In The United States’:

The issue of informant networking has come to the forefront in America. My personal view is that these nauseating and diseased people should be treated as treasonous as any globalist, regardless of stated intention. That said, in an environment rife with extraneous poverty, informancy cannot be avoided. Plenty of men and women, stricken with empty wallets and bellies, are extraordinarily prone to betrayal, regardless of their inherent morality. This is the kind of world we will soon be living in, and this is the kind of environment that corrupt officials like those in New Jersey are prone to exploit. Pathetic, weak, cowardly, but ultimately dangerous sheep unknowingly serving the very men who would seek to enslave them. 

In terms of 2nd Amendment rights, I find the very idea of debate rather pointless. The logic is undeniable. If you cannot defend yourself, you are a victim. Period. You become food for predators and parasites. Any state government or national government which actively seeks to disarm its citizens is suspect. I couldn’t care less about their stated rationalizations or rhetoric. In New Jersey, in Chicago, in Washington D.C., or anywhere else for that matter, an innocent man who is disarmed by law will always be victimized by an outlaw who armed through criminality. The concept of reduced crime through gun confiscation is so naïve it warrants considerable analysis. Through such efforts, good men are left defenseless, while evil men are free to wreak havoc.

The 2nd Amendment is not a negotiable or debatable pillar of the Constitution. It is absolute in its protection. Every American, regardless of the temporary circumstances of the times, is free to arm and defend himself from ANY enemy, from average criminals, to government thugs. The gun confiscation program featured in the video below, and instituted by officials in New Jersey, should not be taken lightly. The pure idiocy inherent in its premise cannot be ignored. New Jersey’s willingness to pay off potential informants could very well be a petri dish test for much more expansive programs across the country in the future. If we cannot stop the corruption and anti-constitutionalism of a pathetic state like New Jersey, then how can we expect to disrupt the same brand of corruption throughout the U.S.?


Guns are simply not the issue. An armed and educated populace is a populace safe from crime. This is a fact. New Jersey’s informant program is a travesty of justice, not only because it encourages American on American treason, but also because it ignores the very purpose behind the Second Amendment; to create a populace free from the fear of tyranny. If we do not put an end to the anti-gun tides in New Jersey, we should fully expect to see such atrocities against freedom planted at our own front doors in the near future. There are no exceptions to the Constitution. New Jersey is not outside of its jurisdiction. Every person in that state deserves the same protections as anyone else. We must disrupt the sick and perverted no questions asked buy-off policies now prominent in that region, or be subject to the same in the near future…

Brandon Smith

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9 Responses to “New Jersey Will Pay You $1000 To Destroy The 2nd Amendment”

  1. Carl says:

    You know, if you just give the New Jersey people a nice $1000 gun (or two $500 guns), to defend themselves with, maybe all the bad guys will figure out they don’t have an upperhand anymore with the weak and defenseless. Once they figure that out maybe they’ll pack up their stuff and leave town. Maybe then all the bad guys will migrate to Maryland, DC or even Illinois?

  2. wanda mcclenaghan says:

    I am just an observer. I do not react to unimportant things. I do correct my spelling errors before I submit a comment so I could not understand how errors I did not make came up. Oh well I still love farm wars and give thanks for all the work they do on my behalf.. Wand

  3. wanda says:

    Wanda… don’t go giving other wandas a bad name now…

  4. I did nothing of the sort, Wanda, and don’t appreciate being accused of it. I do not change the wording of comments. If anything is misspelled, you did it yourself.

  5. kaycee says:

    New Jersey doesn’t surprise me, simply because like Detroit and Chicago it is very crime ridden and has been for decades. The bulk of the people living in these cities and other cities like them, live hand to mouth in areas of very high crime. I wouldn’t be surprised if people simply hatched a plan to share the “prize money” by setting up people in their lives who they have issue with. The entire see something say something is repugnant, but with the dumbing down of America over the last 25 years it is par for the course.

    I would like to share something that I witnessed last year
    I was at a sporting event on the west coast and we were all to stand for the National Anthem. I and my children stood with our hands over our hearts and began to sing with the Anthem. I looked around and out of 200 people in a large auditorium, maybe 75 were standing. The rest sat on their butts and ignored
    the National Anthem. How could this be? I was upset and shocked,
    well my research on the matter has shown that this has all been along time coming. We need to all get out and educate the masses about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and what Freedom really means. We need to talk about it everyday to everyone, the reality is that illegal laws and codes do not override the Constitution, if we all know what our country stands for and we all honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights then We The People Continue to Rule OUR COUNTRY as we always have been able to, but have apparently lost that knowledge. Further it is up to parents to teach their children about our amazing country and freedom!! Please stand together to save our Country!

  6. wanda mcclenaghan says:


  7. wanda mcclenaghan says:

    Hasn’t the government of new jersey yet learned that you can’t stop crime by disarming honest citizens. Unarmed people are unarmed victims of crime. Crime rates soar upward when the second ammendment is not protected. Many crimes are prevented when the intended victims are able to defend their lives, families and property with a gun.

  8. wanda mcclenaghan says:

    Haven’t they yet learned that you cannot stop crime by disallowing honwest people to keep and use arms for home and familyn protections.

  9. Barbara Talbert says:

    The criminals will always find a way to arm themselves leaving the common man defenseless if he has no gun. Maybe when we are totally civilized (not a chance in this millenium) we could do without the right to bear arms. What is wrong with New Jersey is what I am thinking? If this scummy program works there will it be proposed in all the states? Somehow I doubt that Texas would go along.