Source: GM Watch

International scientists confirm dangers of Roundup at GMO-Free Regions Conference in Brussels

Brussels 16 September 2010

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the world’s best-selling weedkiller Roundup, causes malformations in frog and chicken embryos at doses far lower than those used in agricultural spraying and well below maximum residue levels in products presently approved in the European Union. This is reported in research (1) published by a group around Professor Andrés Carrasco, director of the Laboratory of Molecular Embryology at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School and member of Argentina’s National Council of Scientific and Technical Research.

Carrasco was led to research the embryonic effects of glyphosate by reports of high rates of birth defects in rural areas of Argentina where Monsanto’s genetically modified “Roundup Ready” (RR) soybeans are grown in large monocultures sprayed from airplanes regularly. RR soy is engineered to tolerate Roundup, allowing farmers to spray the herbicide liberally to kill weeds while the crop is growing. READ MORE…

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One Response to “Groundbreaking study shows Roundup link to birth defects”

  1. Stinkfly says:

    Valentine Dyall, you get the Stinkfly boot for the following comment:

    “The trouble is that RoundUp is NOT linked to birth defects and you are reporting scare-mongering and dodgy publications. Grow up and try to understand unstead of simply quoting campaigning sources like GM Watch as if they made any attempt to present a realistic view.”

    Notice the lack of foundational documents or research to support this claim, only a regurgitation of the bought and paid-for Monsanto PR campaign. This is a typical “argument” in which the poster merely accuses the writer of “scare-mongering” instead of addressing the issues, because if the issues were addressed, he/she would have to cite sources, and those sources would be Monsanto’s.
