by Mark Sircus

June 30, 2010

The IMVA is doing what no other medical or health organization is doing – sending out an emergency alert to doctors to prepare for a serious public health threat from aerosolized oil and associated gases. This report and treatment recommendations are meant to maximize survival and health under adverse environmental conditions. The key to avoiding long-term harm is to help the body deal with the chemical assault from the very first moments when one notices foul smell, taste or flu-like symptoms.

When exposure to toxins is dramatically increased, as is the case for people in the Gulf area, the body rapidly becomes overwhelmed and the detoxification pathways normally used to excrete toxins cannot keep up with the exposure. It is well known that airborne toxins documented to be present in a number of Gulf communities are at levels that are many times the maximum allowed by the EPA.

These toxins are coming from both the oil leak and from the chemical dispersants being used to mitigate the accumulation of oil on the water surface. When the body becomes overwhelmed by this level of exposure, it will then “scramble” to store these excess fat soluble toxins in fat cells throughout the body. As these toxins accumulate, the increasing toxic burden can trigger a multitude of health problems.

This document suggests emergency medical treatments with safe non-toxic substances for anyone feeling the signs and symptoms being reported in the Gulf region. The offered protocol outlines basic treatments to capitalize on the body’s own ability to excrete toxic oil substances. By assisting the body in eliminating these toxins before they build up to critical levels, we can protect ourselves from developing the health challenges associated with exposure to these toxins. The process of detoxification is just that – a process. It is imperative to assist the body in eliminating these toxins.


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One Response to “Medical Treatments for Airborne Poisons”

  1. Thomas L says:

    I’m right here and it’s getting scary. I most definitely appreciate your info which will allow me to make plans. When the order comes to evac the first order will be voluntary, the second will be by the gun. I live 70 miles from the coast and I’ve been smelling “kerosene” for weeks and sometimes it is very strong. Thanks again and keep up the good work!