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7 Responses to “CVS Flu Shot Kills 23 Seniors”

  1. Important Safety Information

    Fluzone High-Dose vaccine is an inactivated influenza virus vaccine given for active immunization in persons 65 years of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the vaccine. Approval of Fluzone High-Dose vaccine is based on superior immune response relative to Fluzone vaccine. Data demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose vaccine relative to Fluzone vaccine are not available.

    Here is the “patient information”: The one thing that the presenter got wrong was that he said there was double the deaths for Hi-Dose Fluzone. However, when looking at the documentation, it appears to be just about even between Hi-Dose and regular.

  2. Rocky Johnstone says:

    I don’t like the scare tactics used to market flu shots and question their usefulness. However, this title is very misleading.

    At first glance, you’d think that 23 seniors received a flu shot and keeled over immediately. Watch the video. The 23 Seniors that died, pasted away between 30 to 180 days post vaccination. There is not direct link between the CVS flu shot and the deaths.

    Ain’t we stretchin’ the facts a bit here?

  3. drg says:

    I have articles about this vaccine dating back to 2006, 2011, and Feb 2013 on my blog, the original natural health news, warning Elders to avoid it.

  4. Barb T. says:

    About 5 years ago I got a flu shot at one of the drug store chains. I went with 2 other people who are much younger than I. The nurse said to me “Oh, we have a special one for you.” and I did not get the same shot as the other younger people. At the time I wondered about that and still wonder why I didn’t ask more questions. We need to ask questions. Since then I will not take a flu shot.

  5. pm says:

    The National Vaccine Information Center educates people about the dangers of vaccines too. The track and help organize legislative efforts nationwide.

  6. Abe says:

    The cheese is always free in the rat trap!
    Pavlov’s dog. Ding, salivate!

  7. ozspeaksup says:

    considering most elders have been exposed to most variety of flu already, why they would even consider a flu vax necessary..?
    but then fear marketing and golly a discount(on20% marked up goods?) makes all the difference.
    a lifetime of indoctrination plus inducements works for the pharmas.
    pity it kills recipients.