Barbara H. Peterson on June 5th, 2012

There is also the evolving problem of glyphosate’s killing of beneficial gut microbes that suppress botulinum bacteria resulting in chronic, systemic botulism poisoning and death in cattle with probably findings also in humans. One study on SIDS babies found that 20% of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome babies have detectable levels of botulinum toxin. Gentlemen, ask your wives what price GMO corn and soybeans will have to be to adequately compensate her for the loss of an infant to SIDS from botulism caused by your use of glyphosate? How much will you pay for getting your child back from the dead?

Continue reading about GMOs and Glyphosate Linked to Infertility, Botulism and SIDS

Barbara H. Peterson on November 28th, 2011

These patents fuel the commercialisation of the human body. Living beings and their genetic conditions are not an invention and should not be subjected to patents.”

Continue reading about Patents on chimpanzees, sperm cells and human genes

Barbara H. Peterson on April 4th, 2011

Scientists are working on drugs to erase memories.

Continue reading about Memory Erasing Drugs In the Crosshairs!

Barbara H. Peterson on March 29th, 2011

Only in America can a beleaguered company with a checker past such as Monsanto’s, which includes a nasty little habit of poisoning entire towns with toxic waste, battle it’s way to the top of the dung heap to deliver a fatal blow to the people and planet with a deadly and insidious type of chemical and biological warfare via the genetic modification and patenting of transgenic seeds, as well as the coating of our farmland with toxic chemicals.

Continue reading about The BioPirates of Science: Genetic Engineering – Science or Hoax?