Barbara H. Peterson on June 3rd, 2010

It’s all about the profit. This expose has shown Who, what, when, where and why, the dithering. It’s about the dispersents, the stimulus, the billionaires who are vested in NALCO, the scientists who are all onboard with the green agenda, Chicago [University of Chicago was founded by crookster John D. Rockefeller] and blatant deception. Always follow the money! Greed, corruption, conspiracy, fraud and deception are where the blame lies. From the top down is involved. Remember, you cannot redistribute fishing/shrimping industries, tourism, ocean front property, boating. That wealth will have to be destroyed.

Continue reading about They are poisoning our Gulf for personal profit!

Barbara H. Peterson on May 20th, 2010

The very obvious point Mr. Obama, is you should have saved our Gulf of Mexico, by making sure Transocean, Halliburton, and British Petroleum had absolutely nothing to do with the clean-up efforts, rather than making them pay to turn the Gulf into a dead zone.

Continue reading about Flash Bulletin: Corexit is Killing the Gulf

Barbara H. Peterson on May 18th, 2010

President Obama went on to say many parties, including the federal government should accept blame for the disaster, he stopped short of saying he, himself, should be imprisoned for his part in so destroying life in the Gulf.

Continue reading about Purposely Killing The Gulf?

Barbara H. Peterson on January 15th, 2010

The Origins of Oil – It’s not what we think! Colonel Fletcher Prouty explains how oil came to be classified a “fossil fuel,” and therefore a finite resource. The Peak Oil Theory Story Source: Anti-Corruption Society The Peak Oil Theory Story in a nutshell: Petroleum is a “fossil fuel”, therefore a finite resource. It is […]

Continue reading about Could it be that Oil is NOT a Fossil Fuel? The Great Oil Scam!