Barbara H. Peterson on August 17th, 2013

Yes, there are people who are actively attempting a complete takeover of humanity in order to set themselves up as supreme beings. To transcend physical boundaries by intermixing any DNA that so-called scientists think is appropriate, discard the precautionary principle as ‘too dangerous for proper evolution,’ full speed ahead, meld man, machine, computer, and eventually, transcend to Godhood. It doesn’t matter if it works, it doesn’t matter if it is sane, it is a plan in the works. And the people who are involved think that they know how to create a better man.

Continue reading about Transhumanism: Genetic Engineering of Man – the New Eugenics

Barbara H. Peterson on July 1st, 2013

While the mainstream media was busy making jokes about Bill Gates paying $100,000 to have someone design a modern condom like it was just the cutest thing ever, he was also paying some guy in Arizona to test contraceptive vaccines in the form of an oral bait that sterilizes rats…

Continue reading about A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Bill Gates

Barbara H. Peterson on May 23rd, 2013

This is a must-read article to understand how genetic engineering started and where it is going. Pay special attention to the section titled “GMO as a weapon of biowarfare?”

Continue reading about “Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic

Barbara H. Peterson on December 16th, 2011

To the police and the military that are going to be told to enforce this globalist, tyrannical takeover and subsequent subjugation of America, I ask all of you: Which side of history will you be on? Are you going to mindlessly obey the soon-to-be illegitimate orders emanating from these despots, or, are you going to uphold your sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic? Do you really think that your military retirements and police pensions are going to be waiting for you when your tyrannical deeds are done?

Continue reading about The Road to Tyranny: Let Me Count the Ways