Barbara H. Peterson on May 18th, 2010

How long will the Monetary Cartel’s media insist on calling a continuous gusher a mere spill or a leak? Will people have to convulse and hemorrhage from their internal organs and lungs before the corporate media will show at least a modicum of truthfulness?

Continue reading about Gulf Oil SPILL: What a Lie!

Barbara H. Peterson on May 17th, 2010

This is a grass-roots effort to bring a non-toxic oil clean-up system to the attention of ‘those in charge’ of the Gulf oil catastrophe. Dr. Mike Castle presents a simply amazing solution to cleaning up oil and other contaminants on land and in water.

Continue reading about The Gulf oil catastrophe . . . an appeal to all!

Barbara H. Peterson on August 28th, 2009

By Jerold Hubbard Grassroots farmer and activist Our present system of food production is killing us. Life is full of beauty and irregularities. The drive for 100% efficiency in farming will always kill the complex organisms and ecosystems involved.

Continue reading about Modern Agriculture – On the Road to Extinction

Barbara H. Peterson on June 17th, 2009

The vast bulk of food production is now controlled by just a few mega-corporations with one value: profit. Relying on genetic engineering, pesticides and antibiotics, factory food is cheap, requiring little land. But the external costs to our health, the environment and the natural food industry are enormous.

Continue reading about FOOD, Inc. Exposes Horrors of the U.S. Centralized Food System