Stinkfly on January 31st, 2011

Talk to your local farmers about the hazards of GMOs, and emphasize the death grip that Monsanto will have on them if they choose that option. If we don’t do it, who will?

Continue reading about Monsanto Shill gets the Stinkfly Boot!

Barbara H. Peterson on January 27th, 2011

USDA’s Monsanto poster boy Vilsack approved deregulated genetically modified (GM) Alfalfa today, January 27, 2011. This is a case precedent for the GM Sugar Beets case coming up next, as well as for all other biotech crops.

Continue reading about USDA Vilsack Turns Unregulated GMO Alfalfa Loose on the Planet!

While the Center for Food Safety does its victory dance claiming that it won the Supreme Court genetically modified alfalfa (GM) case, and no GM alfalfa will be forthcoming any time soon, the Roundup Ready seed is already sitting in the wings ready to be planted. The House of Representatives just sent a letter asking Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to allow planting for the fall 2010 season. I guess they figure approval is a done deal, so why waste time, eh?

Continue reading about CFS claims victory while Roundup Ready alfalfa gets ready for 2010 planting

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a long-time advocate of family farmers and organic foods, today made the following statement after the Supreme Court voted 7-1 to allow the experimental planting of genetically modified alfalfa seed before an environmental review is completed.

Continue reading about Kucinich Announces Right to Know Legislation in Wake of Alfalfa Supreme Court Ruling