Barbara H. Peterson on November 13th, 2013

This is eugenics, pure and simple. We are being conned by the USDA, FDA, and biotech industry into compliance with a malignant program designed to subjugate us through complete control of our food supply by which we poison ourselves each time we visit the supermarket and blindly toss that box of cereal, or TV dinner, or soda pop into our carts. And we, just like the rats, are drawn to this garbage because it is pretty, smells good, and tastes good. That is, until your next visit to the doctor.

Continue reading about Like Rats at a GMO d-Con Trap

The federal government pushes GMO technology on the market, the state government attempts to pass legislation prohibiting anyone from restricting this technology at the local level in the state, then the USDA says that if you get contaminated by this technology, oh well, the market will decide your fate.

Continue reading about Oregon SB 633: Government to Try and Force GMOs on the People – the Deck is Stacked

Barbara H. Peterson on September 20th, 2013

Contrary to claims made by the chemical industries, glyphosate use increased 6,504% from 1991 to 2010 according to data from the USDA

Continue reading about GMO Crops Increase Pesticide Use

Barbara H. Peterson on September 2nd, 2013

New genetic engineering techniques such as oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis may bypass already flimsy GM regulations.

Continue reading about Beware the Changing Face of Genetic Modification