Barbara H. Peterson on March 20th, 2012

What I discovered amidst the Northern California redwoods is what both a majority of Americans and Pat Robertson already sense (according to a 2011 Gallup poll): beyond its obviously valuable medicinal properties, taxing cannabis like alcohol for adult use will bring a half-trillion dollars into the legitimate American economy in the first five years after prohibition ends and will thus play a significant role in balancing the U.S. budget, while jump-starting an American agricultural and manufacturing revival.

Continue reading about Too High to Fail

Barbara H. Peterson on February 14th, 2012

History of marijuana prohibition. Excellent documentary!

Continue reading about The Union – The Business Behind Getting High | Full Movie

Barbara H. Peterson on December 20th, 2009

The real question is, why should a harmless plant that anyone can grow at home elicit such controversy. Why does the government care? Why criminalize it in the first place, and then keep it under control by regulating it after determining that people are going to use it anyway?

Continue reading about Marijuana – Reefer Madness or Cure-all?