Barbara H. Peterson on November 19th, 2013

The labeling movement should be enlisting artists of all kinds to make ads that move people, that attack the poisoners of the food supply, that hold up to ridicule the corporate agenda of monopolizing and degrading the food of this planet.

Continue reading about How public relations led the GMO-labeling movement astray

Barbara H. Peterson on November 15th, 2013

In a core waking trance, the leaders and money men, with their allies and field workers, in the campaign to label GMOs, are soothing themselves with a fantasy about what works in the arena of politics.

Continue reading about Dr. Bronner replies to Rappoport article on GMO labeling strategy

Barbara H. Peterson on November 13th, 2013

It appears that, among the pro-labeling community, there is a kind of cooperative ruling junta. They bankroll the show. They have support from certain activist leaders. There is no internal conflict. They control the terms of the game. They don’t engage in serious conversations with people who have views different from their own.

Continue reading about Criticize the moneymen who want GMO labeling: you get silence

Barbara H. Peterson on November 12th, 2013

Reveal the threat. Right up front. Right away. Lead with that. “You’re eating poison.” Don’t hide behind “right to know what’s in your food.”

Continue reading about Why GMO labeling really failed in Washington State: stop whining