Barbara H. Peterson on December 19th, 2010

As reported above, the Senate on Sunday night simply took the revised food safety language that was approved by the House in the CR, substituted it to the language of HR 2751, one of the original “Cash for Clunkers” bills from last year, and approved it by unanimous consent.

Continue reading about Food Safety Sneak Attack! Passed by Unanimous Consent

Nicole Johnson on November 14th, 2009

The proposed food safety legislation is designed to make the movement of product between international affiliates of transnational corporations a burdenless affair. Its other achievement will be to overburden, and eventually eliminate, regional- and community-based foodsheds with costly regulations. But under the inappropriate use of HACCP, the safety of our food supply will not be improved.

Continue reading about The Festering Fraud behind Food Safety Reform

Barbara H. Peterson on September 10th, 2009

The same agricultural policies that made farmers into commodity crop growers are at the root of the current obesity epidemic. According to a report by the Institute for Agricultural and Trade Policy called “Food Without Thought: How US Farm Policy Contributes to Obesity,” “the problem with the extensive use of cheap commodities in food products is that they fall into the very dietary categories that have been linked to obesity: added sugars and fats. US Farm policies driving down the price of these commodities made added sugars and fats some of the cheapest food substances to produce. High fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oils – products that did not even exist a few generations ago but are now hard to avoid – have proliferated thanks to artificially cheap corn and soybeans.”[13] In other words, US farm policies make poor eating habits an economically sensible choice – with long-term negative health consequences for consumers and economically devastating consequences for family farmers.

Continue reading about History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job

We (you and I) agree that each and every one of you holds your office as a result of election. And, that as a result of your victory and subsequent oath of office, you were expected to actually represent the people who put their faith and trust in you. The fact is, you have violated this oath at every opportunity regardless of which party you claim allegiance to or which political philosophy you espouse at any given time.

Continue reading about A Citizen’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Government – MOU #1: HR 2749