Barbara H. Peterson on September 16th, 2010

It may be part of an exercise, but have no doubt: The needles in this simulated pandemic flu scenario are real. And so are the deltoids of thousands of sailors to be immunized in coming days as part of a test of the Navy’s capacity to “surge” huge quantities of vaccines to its work force.

Continue reading about Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic

Barbara H. Peterson on August 14th, 2009

Join Dave Hodges and me this Sunday, August 16, at 9:00 pm Central time, on the Common Sense Show at Republic Broadcasting Network. We will be discussing depopulation, GMOs, CODEX, health care, forced vaccinations, and what we can do to protect ourselves. Here is the URL for the live broadcast: The Common Sense Show airing […]

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Barbara H. Peterson on August 12th, 2009

When a medical emergency is declared, people will be forced to submit to a variety of inconveniences without their consent, ”including invasive medical interventions,” or face severe consequences one generally associates with war zones.

Continue reading about The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA)

Barbara H. Peterson on April 28th, 2009

Are globalist fear-mongers driving the media to panic the public into universal healthcare solutions? Or federally-mandated vaccinations? Or draconian food safety bills?

Continue reading about Pandemic Nonsense – Flying Pig Flu