The take-away message is clear: the US can’t require foreign producers in less developed nations to have a system that is equal to ours; we have to accept their different or lower standards as equivalent to domestic standards. Nevertheless, the legislation will hold domestic producers to higher standards than foreign producers. Once you understand this reality, the argument that the legislation is needed to improve the safety of imported food reveals itself to be a fraud.

Continue reading about Food “Safety” Reform and the Covert Continuation of the Enclosure Movement

Barbara H. Peterson on January 6th, 2010

If you’re in the beef business, what do you do with all the extra cow parts and trimmings that have traditionally been sold off for use in pet food? You scrape them together into a pink mass, inject them with a chemical to kill the e.coli, and sell them to fast food restaurants to make into hamburgers.

Continue reading about Window cleaning chemical injected into fast food hamburger meat

Barbara H. Peterson on June 17th, 2009

A new food safety bill is on the fast track in Congress-HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. The bill needs to be stopped.

Continue reading about HR 2749: Totalitarian Control of the Food Supply

Barbara H. Peterson on June 17th, 2009

The vast bulk of food production is now controlled by just a few mega-corporations with one value: profit. Relying on genetic engineering, pesticides and antibiotics, factory food is cheap, requiring little land. But the external costs to our health, the environment and the natural food industry are enormous.

Continue reading about FOOD, Inc. Exposes Horrors of the U.S. Centralized Food System