Barbara H. Peterson on January 1st, 2015

Turning an uncultivated plot of land into an abundant garden using the no-dig approach. all within a few months.

Continue reading about No Dig Gardening

Barbara H. Peterson on October 13th, 2014

The EU Commission might soon rush to give import authorization to eight genetically engineered plants, all at the same time. Further, the Commission might allow maize 1507 for cultivation.

Continue reading about Will EU Authorize 9 GMO Crops at Same Time for Food and Feed?

Barbara H. Peterson on December 10th, 2013

Understand that once these suicide seeds are released, there is no going back. We will be left in the position of having to watch as seed viability diminishes due to cross-pollination and widespread contamination with the Terminator gene as sterile seeds take over the global seed supply incrementally.

Continue reading about Brazil Voting on Acceptance of Terminator Seeds

Barbara H. Peterson on October 3rd, 2013

Your right to swing your GMO fist ends where my non-GMO nose begins.

Continue reading about Defending a Farmer’s Right to Pollute? Really?