Imagine this. A killer is put on trial, and the jury, in a surprise verdict, finds him not guilty. Afterwards, reporters interview this killer. He says, “The jury freed me. It’s up to them. They decide. That’s what justice is all about.” Then the press moves along to members of the jury, who say: Well, we had to take the defendant’s word. He said he was innocent, so that’s what we ruled. That’s an exact description of the FDA and Monsanto partnership.

Continue reading about Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crime families working a trillion-dollar hustle

Barbara H. Peterson on May 11th, 2012

And just what will these people say when this universal infant immunization program is proven to NOT lower the overall incidence of Hep B infection after our children have been compromised with a dangerous genetically engineered vaccine that starts our lives out under the thumb of Big Pharma and the allopathic medical establishment, and ensures that we remain sickly and dependent on expensive drugs to treat all of the illnesses that we contract due to compromised immune systems that were attacked at our very birth?

Continue reading about Why is GMO Hepatitis B Vaccine Given to Newborn Babies?

Barbara H. Peterson on November 30th, 2011

Against FDA Prohibitions, Freedom Riders Will Publicly Distribute over 100 gallons Raw Milk to Waiting Mothers!

Continue reading about Mothers, Acting As ‘Agents,’ To Defy FDA Warning

Barbara H. Peterson on September 5th, 2011

The current method for detecting oil and Corexit contamination in Gulf seafood is a simple sniff test, in which FDA inspectors hold a bag of fish up to their nose and if the inspector does not detect any “strange odors, the fish passes the food safety inspection test and is eligible to be processed and subsequently sold to the public.

Continue reading about The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part 4)