Barbara H. Peterson on July 3rd, 2019

Honey bees – nature conservation with genetic engineering? Gene scissor CRISPR being used to produce pesticide-resistant honey bees. Christoph Then Test Biotech 3 July 2019 / In February 2019, the first paper on using CRISPR technology to produce pesticide-resistant honeybees was published in South Korea. Ostensibly, this is intended to ‘protect’ the bees from insecticides. […]

Continue reading about The Genetically Engineered Honey Bee Solution

Barbara H. Peterson on October 19th, 2016

It is now official. Black is white and white is black. Toxic chemicals are good for the environment, no matter how much havoc they cause.

Continue reading about Poison is Green and Environmentally Friendly

Barbara H. Peterson on July 25th, 2011

H.R. 1505: Another Federal land grab, with exemptions from environmental regulations, and a few more just for good measure. And just who has the authority over these lands? Why Homeland Security, of course.

Continue reading about Feds to Grab Land for Homeland Security

Barbara H. Peterson on April 26th, 2011

The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) has decided to re-interpret the Lake and Streambed Alteration Program (DFG code, section 1600) to include the normal use of water as a “permitable” action.

Continue reading about The Great California Water Swindle and Property Grab