Barbara H. Peterson on December 2nd, 2013

How can we, as a nation, wrestle our economy from the grip of greedy corporations when we play into their hands every year? Why do we buy their lies this time of year while rejecting them the rest of the year? How can we stop the cycle of debt? How about this: a nationwide boycott of Christmas purchases. Boy, wouldn’t that put a crimp in corporate profits.

Continue reading about ‘Tis the Season: Grinch THIS, Corporate America!

Barbara H. Peterson on September 20th, 2013

This is how it works – The IMF, in conjunction with USAID and giant agribusiness create the poverty that biotech is advertised to cure, then swoop in and take over entire economies. It’s a time-tested successful strategy that is based in eugenics.

Continue reading about America’s GM Grain Surpluses: Sowing the Seeds of Famine in Ethiopia

Barbara H. Peterson on May 20th, 2013

A goat will keep you alive. Yes, it’s true, and I have spent the last several weeks proving just that.

Continue reading about A Goat Will Keep You Alive

Barbara H. Peterson on May 8th, 2013

Whether you are storing up supplies for hard times or just want to save a little grocery money on cleaning supplies, one thing you should never be without is vinegar. People have been using it for ages – and not just for cooking or preserving foods. Vinegar’s versatility is virtually unmatched when it comes to having multiple uses. There are literally hundreds of uses for vinegar around the home.

Continue reading about 35 Reasons You Should Never Be Without Vinegar