Barbara H. Peterson on September 6th, 2010

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a “landmark egg bill,” and California will supposedly become a “cage-free state.” But is that what the legislation really says?

Continue reading about The California Cage-Free Hens Disinformation Campaign

Barbara H. Peterson on August 25th, 2010

The FDA is touting the Salmonella vaccine, a potential cause of the outbreak, as the cure-all to future outbreaks.

Continue reading about Did Hen Vaccine Cause Salmonella Outbreak?

Barbara H. Peterson on June 7th, 2010

The irony is, if a single person treats an animal like this, he/she is charged with animal cruelty, fined, and faces possible jail time if the situation is severe enough. Why then, do the big money-making corporations get to treat their animals in an intensely inhumane way and get away with it? In fact, they get promoted by the USDA!!!

Continue reading about Are You Supporting a Hellish CAFO?

Nicole Johnson on November 14th, 2009

The proposed food safety legislation is designed to make the movement of product between international affiliates of transnational corporations a burdenless affair. Its other achievement will be to overburden, and eventually eliminate, regional- and community-based foodsheds with costly regulations. But under the inappropriate use of HACCP, the safety of our food supply will not be improved.

Continue reading about The Festering Fraud behind Food Safety Reform