Barbara H. Peterson on January 22nd, 2012

Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Radio Show will join us to give an update on the Gulf Coast disaster, and fill us in on the massive corruption of UN Agenda 21’s ICLEI local branches.

Continue reading about TS Radio with Special Guest Dave Hodges

Barbara H. Peterson on September 5th, 2011

The current method for detecting oil and Corexit contamination in Gulf seafood is a simple sniff test, in which FDA inspectors hold a bag of fish up to their nose and if the inspector does not detect any “strange odors, the fish passes the food safety inspection test and is eligible to be processed and subsequently sold to the public.

Continue reading about The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part 4)

Barbara H. Peterson on July 19th, 2011

there is good evidence that the holocaust in the Gulf is just beginning and is now moving up the food chain and has already made its way into your local supermarket. And if you think you can dodge the obvious danger by merely avoiding the Gulf seafood, think again, as this catastrophe is permeating the full spectrum of our food supply.

Continue reading about The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 3

Barbara H. Peterson on July 5th, 2011

Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Radio Show will join us Wednesday, July 6, 6-8pm Pacific time, to expose the Gulf coast depopulation agenda!

Continue reading about Truth Squad Radio – Dave Hodges Exposes the Gulf Oil Holocaust