By Julian Rose


Listen – do you want to survive? Do you want to have something edible on your plate? Do you seriously believe that what you currently buy from the supermarkets and hypermarkets is actually providing you with your nutritional needs? Do you even care? Or are you “too busy to think about it.” Do you ever read the label on the packaging? Do you know what all those ‘e’ numbers are or mean? The synthetic preservatives, colours and additives which form a significant part of the ‘food’ you eat – do you realise what they are doing to you and your children and your grandchildren?

Well I’ll tell you: they are destroying your immune systems – that’s what they are doing. They are eating away at your natural resistance to disease. They are hardening your arteries. They are blocking up the valves of your heart. They are contributing to the chances of getting cancer. Have you noticed that people are getting sick more and more frequently? If you haven’t noticed you must have been asleep for the past decade. How many times have you felt “really well” recently? Not often? Have you wondered why? 

Do you take an interest in the quality of what you put in your belly? Yes? Then why do you still go to those huge supermarket stores that sell you junk food wrapped up in pretty packaging? Did you know that the ‘fresh food’ they sell you is never less than 4 days old? That it has often travelled half way around the world before it gets to you? That it is coming from huge monocultural fields whose soils have been soused with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and nitrates? You don’t know what nitrates are? They are toxic stimulants that force plants to grow faster and bigger than they would naturally. All large scale commercial farmers use them. The residues from these nitrates land up in our drinking water – and therefore in our bellies – and so do the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. So do you begin to get the picture?

But that’s not all! Oh no, whenever you buy those bakery products chances are you are getting genetically modified soya added to the flour – and ever wondered what that might be doing to you, slowly, over many years? No? Well, nor do the transnational corporations that profit from the sales. But we have strong evidence that they are contributing to the loss of your natural reproductive powers – yes – bringing on sterility. Oh, you don’t mind that you or your family may never be able to have children? You’re willing to risk this most precious gift of reproduction by ingesting GM residues ? They are not only in the bakery products but also come through in the milk and meat from all those livestock being fed GM soya and maize. Did you know that your government has not banned feeding genetically modified feed to animals? That it hasn’t even banned the growing of GM crops? Are you going to simply turn the other way and allow your government to quietly permit the irreversible genetic pollution of your food chain and beautiful countryside? Or will you get involved in preventing such a tragedy from ever happening?

Then what about all the refined white flour and sugar in these bakery foods? And what about this so called ‘flour’ – do you know how much wheat there is in most loaves of bread? Well – no one is going to tell you because if they did you would stop buying it.

Now then, I see some of you are still not convinced. If you don’t care what you put in your tummy, then perhaps you do at least care about what and who you are supporting when you purchase your food? You might care to know that when you buy this ‘stuff’ that passes for food in the big supermarkets and in many other shops unfortunately – you are directly supporting what is known as ‘factory farming’. Factory farming: those two words should make you feel a little sick, but then some of you are so thick skinned that it doesn’t. So I explain: factory farming is mass production of foods using techniques which are just about as inhumane as one could get. In the case of commercial meat, the pigs and chickens that provide a high percent of all meat eaten in your Country are raised in animal concentration camps. Their food is typically composed of genetically modified (maize and soya) that has been grown on vast sterile fields somewhere in the USA, Canada, Argentina, China or Brazil, fields that also demand large additions of agrichemicals. Then they are crushed for animal consumption and have antibiotics and other synthetic additives and fillers added to them. The hens and the pigs that are fed this toxic mix are kept in vast sheds with little or no access to daylight or the outdoors. They have no space. They cannot roam or play, and live out their brief lives on concrete floors under harsh neon lights. How long do they live? The fattening pigs maybe five months and the hens maybe three months. Egg laying hens and those for meat.

Then they get slaughtered – in their thousands. Just three months old. Humanely raised chickens can easily live happy lives for five years. Pigs considerably longer. But, dear supermarket consumer, you would really rather not know all this. You would rather prefer to believe the lovely adverts on TV which show contented hens running around in some field and smiling piggies gobbling buckets of delicious mash in their straw covered yard. Yes, that’s how they sell us the message about our food. And you swallow their sugary virtual reality message without ever questioning it?

Every time you do this you are consciously choosing to give your support to an inhumane factory farm – and to the corporations that manufacture the GM foods and agrichemicals – and to the vast supermarket chains that purchase this sad food, in full knowledge of the way it is raised. You see, we are complicit in the establishment of these vast profit making prisons. They wouldn’t exist if we didn’t support them through buying their produce. WE are the ones who condemn these animals to a life of purgatory. WE are the ones who, by choosing ‘not to know’ give license to huge corporations to take over control of the food chain and of our own lives. WE are submitting ourselves to becoming slaves to systems that are beneath the basic dignity of both the human and animal kingdom.

But do you believe, as I do, that we are responsible for maintaining an innate trusteeship of our animal cousins which ensures that we live together in the spirit of a broad extended family?

Then for God’s sake wake up! There are choices that need to be made here. Not making them is not an option any more. Its time to act. Human health, planetary health and universal health are not separate: they are inseparably connected. This health will not be secured by profit driven food corporations or bargain hunting consumers. It will be destroyed.

Read on ……


What do you think you are doing? Is it true that you don’t care about the quality of what you cultivate and raise from the land? Or is it that you are happy for your government to tell you what to grow and how to grow it? Or is it Cargill and Monsanto? Or is it the financial subsidies on offer from that control your thinking? Or are you afraid of being innovative? Is it perhaps easier to just plod on in the same old way in hopes that somehow you will get-by?

Just beyond your door step are many people who could greatly benefit from getting the majority of their daily food needs from you. Of course, they would want this food to be of a good quality: fresh and flavourful. This is something the supermarkets can’t provide. They are operating through centralised packaging and distribution centres involving hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometres of road haulage. Nothing they provide is fresh, nor is it of any comparable quality to local food. Yet, for some reason you would rather accept the pitiful price the supermarket pays you than get yourselves organised and sell at a fair price to your own community or nearest town? Oh yes, once upon a time it was much better; there were proper local processing plants and abattoirs and even help in distribution. But the European Union and NAFTA don’t like small scale self sufficient units that look after local people with good quality fresh food. No, they like large scale monocultural farms employing as few people as possible and turning out thousands of tons of bland, lifeless foods to be sold in some vast bland and lifeless store at the other end of the Country. The EU and the United States Department of Agriculture want farmers to be business men and make decent profits so they can be taxed and provide a decent revenue to their puppet governments. You didn’t know that? What have you been doing for the past ten years? Listening to your ‘farmers union’ or ‘advice office’? Do you think they aren’t being paid by the EU and the government too?

Now, its time to get wise isn’t it? I mean, do you really want to spend the rest of your days being a slave to institutions that have declared it illegal to sell any processed food to the local village shop? What kind of nonsense is this? Why would anyone go along with that sort of bull shit? It looks like you need to brake free from this hangman’s rope. Are you trying to tell me that if a bunch of farmers got together with a bunch of shop keepers and did a deal that provided local food to these shops – you would turn around and say “Oh dear, I’m sorry, but its not allowed so I can’t do it.” Has your pride reached such a low ebb that you are prepared to give in to a bunch of petty bureaucrats?

Come on. Come to your senses. If your a family farmer the EU and the USDA want you out of the way – and that’s the way they will win! They will get you trapped into feeling you ‘Can’t do anything’. They will try and make you feel guilty for doing something which is sensible, profitable and right. They will throw the ‘hygiene and sanitary’ rule book at you and tell you to fill in your ‘HASSAP’ form. They will try and cow you into feeling that you have to conform to their stinking global food marketing regime that has the net effect of killing off all the real family farms of Europe and North America and replacing them with banking cartel owned and run ‘superfarms’. Places that operate with one man on five hundred hectares and the nation buying the resulting poisoned food from their nearest ‘super store’.

Now listen – there’s got to be a better way hasn’t there? I mean, if you want any of your children to take an interest in the farm do you really expect them to conform to an EU and US government rule book which is written by people who have never set foot on a farm in their lives? Aren’t you feeling a bit foolish going along with this sort of rubbish?

If a bunch of locals came to you and asked you to grow some food for them – what would you do? Set the dog on them? Swear at them? Tell them that its not allowed? Or might you perhaps invite them in for a cup of tea and a chat? Well, if you did, it just could be the starting point of a very interesting possibility. I mean, if these people offered you a fair price to grow some food for them or produce some milk or cheese or whatever it might be – then wouldn’t it be a bit foolish to turn them down? They get what they want and you get what you need – a secure local market – and not one controlled by some transnational corporation that wants to screw you. Have a think about it. But don’t think too long otherwise you will probably convince yourself that “its not possible.” It’s this attitude that just leads to things getting worse and worse.

Consumers and Farmers:

I have addressed this letter to both food buyers and food producers: so now its down to you. Get together and take control of your destinies; or stay apart and be killed off by transgenic laboratory foods, industrial farming cartels and sold-out corrupted governments. Its your choice.

Julian Rose Dec 2011

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18 Responses to “An Open Letter to Farmers and Consumers”

  1. We talk while we can, Ashlie. A time may come when we are shut down for speaking out, but until that time, I will shout as loudly as I can. I’d rather do that than cower in a corner afraid to open my mouth. There is a time to shout, a time to be quiet, and a time to heal. I feel that now is the time to shout, and will live by that.

  2. Ashlie says:

    I mean aren’t we all marked targets just for openly participating?

  3. Ashlie says:

    How is it that this website can just openly talk about all this? Without getting shot? Or more likely poisoned

  4. Sounds great, Irene! Love it that you are getting such a great deal on the cow, and love the cheese club idea. I make yummy goat cheese. Did you know that there is a very simple process you can use to make goat cheese with a texture similar to regular cheese and able to be sliced? It’s all in the processing :)

  5. five words says:

    I’m not a stinkin consumer and I avoid all products that say “0 grams Trans Fat” on the packaging.

    Stop Feeding The Damn Parasites!

    Thanks Barb

    Happy Trails. . .

  6. irene says:

    BArbara!!!!! I lOVE LOve LOv yOU! I’ll go find one of those waterer as soon as possible!!!
    By the way, I just bought a full blood jersey cow and my mennonite friends who make the very BEST smooth cheese with wild bacteria and crazy mold are making a secret cheese club! I won’t be caught growing pot, because I don’t have any,{darn} but I also won’t be caught selling my illegal cheese either! Ahhh, It’s nirvana on a cracker. I bought my cow for the price of insemination! $110 and she is due to be born in may! Wish me luck, cheese club rules! By the way, did you know you can make cheese with goats milk and yarrow? It comes out crumbly like fetta.. Also lovely, but not creamy like the cow’s cheese.

  7. Here ya go, Ma:

    Heat Pipe And Aqua-thaw Animal Waterer – Patent 4930572

  8. Ma Foss says:

    This is a GREAT letter for the HoHo munching slaves addicted to Super Walmarts, but not for me! The reason I am a member of Farm Wars, Natural News, Earthjustice, Natural Solutions Foundation etc. is because I AM on board, I AM raising organic beef, chicken and heirloom veggies for my family. I AM milking my goats and making cheese. I AM making my own soap, shampoo and cleaning supplies and don’t appreciate these “wake up people” articles that should be required reading in the 5th grade. I enjoy this site because we are like minded people coming together for a very just and very important cause- excellent nutrition and health shared by all. I enjoy this site because it makes me feel like I have back up. Stop reprimanding me and help me figure out a way to keep my chicken waterers thawed throughout winter without electricity and I’ll show you how to get water to your house/barn from a spring downhill from you without electricity! In the mean time we continually carry the Self Sufficiency and Nutritional Wellness banner to the HoHo munching masses, not that many are listening….

  9. cindy says:

    Thanks Paschn for your comment.
    But I still believe WE HOLD THAT POWER! I am able to still buy
    farm fresh food, don”t own a cell phone, I never buy there garbage


    IT’S GONE!!

    This is why they are presenting these insane laws BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE EXERCISING THERE POWER TROUGH THE DOLLAR, AND THEY

  10. paschn says:

    @ Cindy,

    I applaud you and your comment. That being said, We’ve already let it slip beyond a bloodless regaining of control of our food, environment, government. Have you noticed how fervently the sycophants-in-blue attack and terrorize O.W.S. demonstrators? have you seen, (especially since Reagan), how the state and federal laws that used to slow down the Monsantos, AIPACS, Wall Street have been meticulously removed and/or crippled?
    How all the humane laws in place to protect our workers’ lives and health have been usurped?
    In large part, this has occured because of the crooked Federal agencies and the willingness of “our” police to protect the monied elite as they buy out our “leaders” like a good little fascist nation should?

    The above clip says it all. The private Federal Reserve continues to rape us by funneling our trillions to their private bankers in Europe while our leaders drop to their knees before them to commit acts of treasonous worship.

    Too little, too late. If you’re fortunate enough to have the stamina and wealth to replant in a country without a Central Bank, (there are only +/- three left since the invasion of Iraq/Libya etc), do it. If not? I suggest you “turtle-up” and spend some serious time acclimating your psyche to endure, (if possible), the horrors we used to watch on the news, landing on our shores and seeking us out.

    God bless?

  11. cindy says:


  12. Abe says:

    I usually go to the store about once every 2 months for the last 3 years. I usually spend a couple hundred bucks and it takes close to 3 hours for me to shop. I READ EVERYTHING ON THE LABEL! I’ve been gardening and canning for around 12 years now, and every year I expand my garden some. Now I’m up to close to 2500 sq ft. 100% organic, if thats the right term to use. Seems the gov. changes definitions all the time these days to protect chemical farming.
    You are what you eat! For the last 15 – 20 years we’ve been eathing crap that can change our genetic code! There are so many additives in food these days it’s surreal. Remember when breakfast cereal would get buggy? That stopped in the 60’s when they started to put BHA & BHT in our foods! If it was just looking for chemicals on the label it would be easy. But now you have to read what food or food like ingredients are.
    The more I tell people about this the more dumber they react! “Well we have to many people on earth now” is the typical response. When I say you and your family is on the list, they give me a stupid look and say “how do you know”?
    All I can say is thank God for sites like Farm Wars, Cornicopia Inst, and Inst. for Responsible Tech to name a few. Those that are asleep wont know when the mass culling begins, or be around when it ends.
    Restore the Republic
    Ron Paul 2012

  13. windy says:

    the problem with selling to neighbors is that once in a while some idiot will get sick and blame it on the raw milk or eggs – even if the problem had nothing to do with the farm fresh food.

    some time ago here in VT a fairly large raw milk dairy was shut down – eventually the problem was traced to campylobacter from undercooked chicken – too late for the farm.

  14. Pix says:

    I’m a farmer, everything I produce is organic where ever possible. Organic is more expensive than factory farming, not because I want to charge more for my produce but because the yields are lower while the expenses are higher. You can’t have it both ways I have to pay my bills and eat the same as everyone else. And I don’t see why I have to be flogging myself to death 24/7 on $1 per hour while everyone else is earning 20+ on a 9 to 5. Get real folks, if you want real food you have to actually pay for it. The buck ends with the Consumers not the producers, you want real food, then pay with real money or grow your own.

  15. amicus curiae says:

    well said.
    i had to donate 10doz organic really free ranging chook eggs to a charity last week, the locals wont buy at 3,50 a doz, as cage eggs are 3. and pale insipid and stale, but, they shop on dollars not value.or quality. my fridge is full and my dogs are happy, but I need to cover feed costs..and I am not the only one having issues like this.
    too many dumbed down stupormarket trained sheepies.:-(

  16. chad says:

    great article! covered all the important troubles and solutions!

  17. spright says:

    thank you!
    let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.
    live free or die trying


  18. Larry Cohen says:

    Dear Julian, Would you like to buy apartment-grown food from me? Or, I’ll get a personalized greenhouse set up for you, and you can write your own ticket as to what is grown, and how. You want to be the first one to do this? Thank you for the article. Larry