By Patrick Wood and Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD
April 28, 2009

flying_pigAre globalist fear-mongers driving the media to panic the public into universal healthcare solutions? Or federally-mandated vaccinations?

By definition, a “pandemic” is an epidemic that is geographically widespread. Fear-mongers are always careful to add the innuendo that millions of people could and probably will die, as in the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed between 20 and 100 million people worldwide.

Excuse me, but how does the death of even a few hundred equate to 20 million?

Mexico, not the usual Southeast Asia, is the origin of the latest flu outbreak. It has spread in limited numbers to several continents. Almost all of the deaths, limited as they are, are in Mexico. The ratio of deaths to infections is very small.

Again, how does this outbreak even remotely qualify as a pandemic? Answer: It does not! READ MORE…

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3 Responses to “Pandemic Nonsense – Flying Pig Flu”

  1. Do you mean exemption from the vaccination?

  2. What must one do to satisfy exemtion requirements?

  3. Sherry says:

    This entire created flu scare is a bunch of HOOEY. I’ve read
    several articles about the fact it is a giant set up for the
    gullible idiots who pay far to much attention to the MSM BS
    spewed over the airwaves nightly for the sheeple to absorb. has a very good article also has a good article on the fact this may be
    created to be race specific. Why are only Mexicans dying hmmmm?

    The best thing is consider the source.

    You can protect yourself naturally too. Check out Millennium
    Ark hot news article “how to Prepare (Naturally) for Swine or
    Avian Influenza” It does warn WOMEN WHO ARE PREGNANT NOT TO

    DO NOT TAKE THE FLU SHOT no matter what the so called “Health officials” tell you.There is a very good chance the stuff could
    kill you in itself.