Some of the people we look up to, who have been in the spotlight  fighting to “expose” the NWO, are not who they seem to be. This In the Crosshairs episode focuses on the problem from within.

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6 Responses to “NWO White Supremacy In the Crosshairs”

  1. Hi Skip,

    My concern is that people judge all members of a particular race by the radical elements of certain religious groups. The article “The Biological Jew” is particularly reprehensible because it is a so-called “truther” who is supposedly exposing the NWO. But just what is he exposing? The so-called Jewish conspiracy? A conspiracy of what he terms the Jewish biological parasite? This is not only disgusting, but a misdirection also, which leads us right into the gaping maw of the very people we are supposed to be against – the NWO movers and shakers. I will be posting an excellent article by G. Edward Griffin shortly, that goes into this mindset, and how detrimental it is.

  2. ADL slams Shas spiritual leader for saying non-Jews ‘were born to serve Jews’. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef says in Saturday sermon that ‘Goyim have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel’; ADL chief calls Yosef’s words ‘hateful’ and ‘divisive’. The Anti-Defamation League on Tuesday condemned comments about non-Jews made this past weekend by Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

    Shas (Hebrew: ש״ס‎) is an ultra-orthodox religious political party in Israel, primarily representing Sephardic and Mizrahi Haredi Judaism.

    Shas was founded in 1984 by dissident members of the Ashkenazi dominated Agudat Israel, to represent the interests of religiously observant Sephardic (Middle Eastern) Jews[1]

    Following the 2009 elections in which Shas won 11 seats, it joined Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government and holds four cabinet posts. Its current leader, Eli Yishai, is one of four Deputy Prime Ministers, and Minister of Internal Affairs.

    I wonder what “slams” means? If a Goyim/Gentile said something like this they would be fired and heavily ostricized. There are a number of psychopaths around the world like Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and their true motives are seldom truly spiritual.

  3. Skip Robinson says:

    Hey Barb, Absolutely. Understand I’m a libertarian and follow the Austrian economic model promoted by such great men as Von Mises and the Friedmans, all Jewish men. Martin Soloman is friend that I admire, so I’m not at all rascist towards any group of which there are great people and scumbags in all of them. I was thinking about this the other night and I thought of the term anti-semitism. I was trying to think of another group that has such a term created specifically for the race/religion. Perhaps it is a misunderstanding of the culture or perhaps it is grounded in some past situation. From a religous standpoint, all major religions appear, as Thomas Paine suggested to classify the others as “non-beleivers”, “infidels”, “goyims”, etc. placing themselves in a self proclaimed superior position as God’s choosen people. Perhaps the dislike comes partically from this as well as envy. I don’t know but surely an important discussion if we are ever able to acheive peace on our planet. This fighting/war stuff just doesn’t appear to be working.

  4. kevin says:

    Of course you can paint with a broad brush, or a smaller brush when you want more detail.
    There is some truth about race ,
    They once were non diluted.
    over time all races by now have pretty much intermingled.
    So with every generation as the races become diluted there will be one race.
    Everybody knows it. Well, maybe not everybody.
    Some folks are glad and others are sad.
    There should be room enough on the planet for everyone to live in liberty without stomping out the other side.
    Ones that would prefer maintaining their clan should not be frowned upon.
    Nor should those who prefer mixture.
    Stop frowning on one another and no one is frowned upon.

  5. Hi Skip,

    I have a problem with placing people in general categories. When we say “the Jews” or “the Mexicans” or “the Italians” or whatever group of people that you want to place in a box in order to define an entire race or group of people, you have to realize that the box you place them in is designed by your own constraints, and will not be a true reflection of the individuals within that box. The entire essay, the Biological Jew, places all those of a race other than white as inferior to the white race, and Jews in particular, which are referred to as biological parasites that are described as degenerate by their very nature. This is stuff right out of the camps at Auschwitz, and has no place in rational thinking.

  6. Skip Robinson says:

    Hey Barb,
    The Jews are a very interesting bunch that are even enumerated in the Magna Carta for what appears to me as a protection of their banking interest. Old English is very difficult to understand so therefore any imput on this from other readers that would help to establish the reason of Jewest reference in that text would be appreciated. I once wrote an essay not on the issue of “if” the Jews have a negative effect on other cultures but why so many people and cultures seem to dislike the Jews. The stories of some of their activities and are very interesting but are just hearsay. I did however once here a Jew in is mid 30’s say to one of his fellow Jews, that he was in a Goyim neighborhood that morning and he said it as if it was a distastful expierence. My understanding of Goyim is that it is a very derogatory term for non-jews. Does anyone know of a book that has been written on this subject that is done from a non rascist position. Perhaps one even written by a Jew.