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5 Responses to “Freedom Convoy Canada”

  1. George H. says:

    THE ROAR OF 50,000 FREEDOM TRUCKER’S AIR HORNS SOUNDS LIIKE BLASTS OF THUNDER FROM THE HIGH HEAVENS as the oily-faced man-boy, Justin Trudeau, a two-bit punk, and would-be Fuhrer of Canada, peeks out from under his rock, and arrogantly struts about and poses as Canada’s savior, from all those big bad anti-vaxxers, and noisy truckers (and all those other sane Canadians who wisely declined the POISON JAB) who he desperately wants to marginalize, demonize, and threaten, so that his greedy globalist cohorts can get about the serious business of imposing a fascist dictatorship over all of the land, in preparation for that coming glorious time of the Great Reset. But, instead of statues being erected in your honor Mein Fuhrer, perhaps a scaffold will be erected instead, so that when the Nuremberg trials end, and you and your ilk, are found guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY then you will meet your maker, and will no longer be killing off all of your fellow countrymen, and history will not be kind to you, or all those other MASS MURDERERS!

  2. George H. says:

    THE ROAR OF 50,000 FREEDOM TRUCKER’S AIR HORNS SOUNDS LIIKE BLASTS OF THUNDER FROM THE HIGH HEAVENS as the oily-faced man-boy, Justin Trudeau, a two-bit punk, and would-be Fuhrer of Canada, peeks out from under his rock, and arrogantly struts about and poses as Canada’s savior, from all those big bad anti-vaxxers, and noisy truckers (and all those other sane Canadians who wisely declined the POISON JAB) who he desperately wants to marginalize, demonize, and threaten, so that his greedy globalist cohorts can get about the serious business of imposing a fascist dictatorship over all of the land, in preparation for that coming glorious time of the Great Reset. But, instead of statues being erected in your honor Mein Fuhrer, perhaps a scaffold will be erected instead, so that when the Nuremberg trials end, and you and your ilk, are found guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY then you will meet your maker, and will no longer be killing off all of your fellow countrymen, and history will not be kind to you, or all those other MASS MURDERERS!

  3. The only thing good about Trudeau he at least can be held responsible for his actions. In the USA we have a brain dead as president and a dingbat as vice-president.

  4. Bc says:

    One should delve into Trudeau’s real father……

  5. pennine says:

    Go Go Go Canadian Turuckers!!! Love & Solidarity from UK:-)))