Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

I control your every thought. Your daily routine revolves around me. You can’t wait to get home and see what I have to offer. At night when you are away you wonder what I am doing, and how you can be with me. You are so easy to control. All I have to do is entice you with a bit of flash and you are right there to do my bidding. When you shop, you buy what I tell you to buy. When you drink, you drink what I tell you to drink. When you drive, you drive what I tell you to drive. You have no real thoughts of your own that I have not somehow influenced. You believe what I say because you have been raised with me as your guide. Your mentor. Your nanny. There is nothing that you do that I have not influenced.

And this is no accident.

I was placed in your life to make you easily controllable. To do my bidding so that those who profit off of your actions can get rich and powerful. So they can use you to make their lives more comfortable while you toil day and night fulfilling my commands. You are my slave. And you don’t even know it. You think that I make your life more comfortable. More enjoyable. That I am there to ease your loneliness, entertain you at your bidding, and that you control me and are in charge. Nothing could be further from the truth. You love what I do for you, and my controllers love what you do for them. You are like a battery that when depleted, is simply tossed aside in the scrap heap and turned to dust, never knowing that your only useful function was to keep the machine going that runs the system that enslaves you. And they laugh all the way to the bank. Scraping your dust off their shoes like it never existed. And you willingly do their bidding.

Who am I? You call me by different names: media, television, football, Olympics, advertising, and the list goes on. You are the spectator that fuels the propaganda machine that ties you to the system of indebtedness and slavery. And you pay for it with your time, energy and your very lives. You are the fuel that keeps the fantasy going. In fact, you demand the enslavement.

You take pills that are prescribed to you for made-up ailments that you see on TV that are pushed by Big Pharma and by the men in white coats that play God while you get sicker and sicker, never wondering if maybe there is something wrong and maybe you are being lied to by these legal drug pushers. You just swallow the lies hook, line and sinker.

You watch programs with half naked people espousing that having the morals of a chimp is all well and good just as long as everyone says it is, and think that the only way that you can be happy is to buy into the ‘physical beauty is the best thing going’ lie. And you don’t question it. Not for a minute. You just go along day to day, grinding away at a meaningless job until you drop and don’t question why.

And each morning, you can make a choice. A choice whether to go on doing the same thing, day after day, or not. To make a difference, or not. To remain a slave or not. But you don’t. You let others make that choice for you. They don’t call it “programming” for nuthin’ folks…

©2016 Barbara H. Peterson

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7 Responses to “Sex, Drugs and TV Programming”

  1. J Marshall says:

    Great article about the DARPA creation of control. They purposely as you may know designed it with the sixty hertz flicker rate which is right in between the awakened state and the sleep state otherwise known as the hypnotic state. Your mind consumes all thats is on the screen and all the subliminal messages people are unaware of. People unwittingly react to those messages realized or not. Just like religion, sex, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or any addictive substance it is there to control the masses. The last time I watched TV was when Sinefeld was on the air. I haven’t missed it one bit in fact my mind is feeling much better now! Nice article it’s a topic I continue to harp on in my articles. Thanks Barbara.

  2. Barbara too says:

    tv = brain rot
    hollywood = hollow-wood
    pharma=toxic destroyer of health
    sports=us against them

  3. Peri McMillan says:

    And because of the above, I have not watched TV in 4 years. It’s a bunch of propaganda and lies. Nope, not for me any longer.

  4. Arthur Rimmer says:

    Frank Zappa sucks!!!!

  5. stupefied.ape says:

    Very well worded article, I bet you have spend a long time on it.
    The Zappa song is very good, but I really can’t stand to hear all those saxophones. I hate brass!!

  6. Vee Demarche says:

    Thanks Barbara,

    Your posts these days are better than ever.


  7. Terrie Quijarro says:

    Thank you so very much!