shawna cox2

The first 30 minutes of this recording with Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show is Shawna Cox relaying her first-hand experience in the middle of an ambush by law enforcement while on her way to a meeting in John Day, Oregon with LaVoy Finicum. Listen and weep for America.



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2 Responses to “Shawna Cox Talks About Oregon Ambush”

  1. High Plains says:


    One cowboy stood today, and showed me life’s freedom in his eyes:
    the glint of a living world shone forth from his belief.

    No matter what the world says now-so glaringly in error:
    time will show LaVoy stood true.

    A peaceful man full of honour
    Quiet dignity fortified with strength of belief

    A principle that was embued in this world
    when it was created,
    lived in LaVoy
    and we saw it in his eyes.

    Welcome Home, LaVoy, Well Done Native Son
    You stood tall, straight and true
    The Honour of the Ages lived in you
    And the light of God shone forth from your gaze

    Today you are in an unfenced pasture,
    Home on the Range
    with the Master Shepherd,
    and the angels sing.

  2. Helen says:

    I understand exactly what happened. Do not understand why other people do not understand it.