Anti-Monsanto song from Australia by Kelly Newton-Wordsworth (Genetic Pollution, poisons, etc) sung to tune of Janis Joplin’s Mercedes Benz.

Thanks to BanGMOsNow for this great find!

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2 Responses to “Monsanto Has Poisoned the World Deliberately – Song”

  1. Shelley says:

    Bless you! I weep for my country (US) and the world! In fact, tears flow after reading some articles of the widespread greed and corruption and particularly, grabbing lots of tissues while listening to your plea to the Lord with such emotion. Monsanto is just one example, unfortunately, of this evil and pray that all people will wake up and rise up against it as I fear time will soon run out for this planet and all people. Just hope sites like this will not be censored and that more of us start realizing just what is really going on and that those responsible will be stopped sooner than later. Prayers and love to you!

  2. John Eastman says:

    AMAZING applause bravo, bravo, beautiful message thank you to Kelly Newton-Wordsworth for being passionate about the EVIL that is MONSANTO and singing for the population to understand what this disgusting corporation is doing to the earth.

    Sincerely, John