Hawaii is Uniting from Ryan Maui on Vimeo.

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2 Responses to “Hawaii is Uniting – GMO Moratorium”

  1. Abe says:

    Hawaii has been getting screwed since the bayonet constitution was enacted in 1887. Have they had enough yet?

  2. Alan Donelson says:

    I think that the effluent of Fukushima (www.enenews.com) increases beyond measure the need for efforts to eliminate GMOs from crops in Hawaii.

    I have to ask, what do Hawaiians know — what are they being allowed to hear — about the radioactivity and hot particles in the Pacific today and like for centuries?

    GMOs + radioactive poisons = demise of humans on Hawaii, seems to me.

    I’d love to hear from those active in the GMO movement what their take on Fukushima is, too.

    All the best GOD can give to you all!!