R. Teichmann

News Beacon Ireland

This is more than just the broadening of the tax base. It is the attempt to control the food supply and get a grip on what is left of independence and food freedom.

glutens wheat2-280x230In an article in the Irish Examiner their European Correspondent revealed that the EU Commission is suggesting to the Irish Government to broaden property taxes to include farmland, development land and derelict sites.

This is more than just the broadening of the tax base. It is the attempt to control the food supply and get a grip on what is left of independence and food freedom. We just have to look at the US, where in many parts it is now illegal to capture rain water, plant own food in your garden, share self grown food with neighbours. People owning farmland still have a certain degree of independence as they can grow their own food and if they manage their plot of land sensibly (i.e. permaculture) they and their family can survive. By taxing farmland this remaining independence from the state and big corporations is under threat. With the insiduous tax system it is possible to drive people off their land as taxes can be adjusted in such a way that only big agribusinesses hand in hand with multinational seed and so called bio-engineering companies (like the giants Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont and Syngenta) can survive while the small and independent farmer is forced into bankruptcy. An excellent article on this subject was published on this blog recently. 

water-fluoridation-1The same can be said for drinking water. The creation of the private company Irish Water is the attempt to control another life neccessity – water. The installation of water meters and introduction of water charges goes much deeper than to create revenue. A recent article on this site describes how big banks and investment firms are buying up drinking water resources all over the planet. Again it is all about control.

The current paradigm of economics is that of permanent growth. Current economics are a Ponzi scheme as without permanent growth the whole system would grind to a halt and collapse. That is why life neccessities like farmland (food) and water are becoming commodities as more and more needs to be traded to prolong the functioning of the current system. In the public discourse nobody (except a few ‘treehuggers’ whose insights are brushed aside) seem to notice that infinite growth is simply impossible on a finite planet with finite resources. But we must not think that those who have created this paradigm and are benefiting from it are unaware of this dilemma. They have thought about how the current paradigm of growth can be replaced. The UN Agenda 21 is one of the results of their thinking. It involves the control of populations, micromanagement of what  access they are ‘granted’ to life neccesities like food, water and living space.  And it involves the depopulation of the planet, which is currently underway by poisoning of the environment in numerous ways like starvation, undermining the immune systems, wars, weather warfare. Countless institutions, agencies, academics, think tanks,  governments and even ‘charities’ are knowingly or unknowingly involved. Most people working there may think they are doing the right thing. Thus the effort to expose the heinous global agenda of a few to the detriment of all others and life in general must continue.

This agenda is not the one most people on this planet wish for. They want to share the resources of the planet and to carefully manage them for the benefit of all life including future generations. The current system depends on consent to function. Though the resistance to water meters, taxes on farmland and homes, fracking, environmental destruction and wars is important to wake people up and to unite around these issues, it is not enough. We have to reach a point where people see through the agenda and turn their back on a system that does not care for life but Choiceexploits it and endangers survival. This is only possible if the isolation and fear most people live in now is challenged and viable alternatives of living are created. This is where those who see through these machinations should focus their thinking and efforts. Together we have to rethink what we want for a fulfilled and meaningful life, what we need and do not need, in what areas we should grow, how we can develop a balance between our needs and the planet. But paramount is the withdrawal of our individual consent from what is happening and the taking of steps to become more independent from the institutions of society in all areas of life. This is much easier if we get together, live more closely together and co-operate to find a new way.

About the author: R. Teichmann is an activist living in West Cork / Ireland and editor with www.news-beacon-ireland.info

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6 Responses to “EU Commission to Irish Government: Tax Farmland – what is behind it?”

  1. julie foucart says:

    This is exactly what the English did to the Irish over hundreds of years. Either they became tenant farmers or were driven to worst lands. They plan to take all of the wealth. It is the same playbook for a new imperialism, the UN Empire.
    Do not sit still.

  2. Hannon says:

    I say the Irish should charge the UE and the stinking crown for reparations, for the latest bankster fraud and the last few hundred years of tyranny.

  3. Gabriel says:

    There is ONE way to take this on, but it will mean that MANY people will need to find their courage. If we wish to disempower these greedy people at the top of the economic system we must do this by deep, diligent and fierce actions at the local, county and state levels.
    Remember, at your local level people make important decisions. At the county level people make decisions that directly impact and control local level options. And, at the state level people make decisions that affect every level of decision making beneath it.
    Begin talking to like minded people in your area. Teach each other the FACTS. Share information. RUN for every elected office possible.
    If we want our nation back then WE have to do this work to reclaim it. WE must be willing to SERVE our city, county and state people via elected office. It will require a time commitment that most people simply WILL NOT MAKE.
    You need to decide if football, baseball, hockey, dancing with the stars, or your favorite reality TV is more important than the future of our nation and the future of your offspring.
    I suggest you DUMP YOUR TV. Get rid of it NOW. If it is no longer in your home you CAN NOT WASTE YOUR TIME sitting on your butt vegging out. Our grandparents and great grandparents did not waste their previous life time sitting on their butts being entertained. They listened to radio, read books and papers, and met with family, friends and neighbors on a regular basis. They TALKED ABOUT ISSUES. THEY READ AND LEARNED ABOUT ISSUES.
    They also had a deep investment in their spiritual lives which subsequently provided guidance for all other things they did.
    I am getting older, but I still remember how it worked then. It was a much better and honest and connected life.
    I am a boomer and I was a rabble rouser and a change agent and I deeply regret that I helped destroy some very important values that this nation lived by.

  4. DR, Here is the report from the Irish Examiner: http://www.irishexaminer.com/i.....70792.html.

    I don’t really know the details of how the system works in the EU, so cannot offer any phone numbers or contact info, but if it is like it is here, voicing an opinion to the government doesn’t do a whole lot of good. From the article: “…paramount is the withdrawal of our individual consent from what is happening and the taking of steps to become more independent from the institutions of society in all areas of life. This is much easier if we get together, live more closely together and co-operate to find a new way.”

  5. DR says:

    so what can be done. is there someone to contact to voice an opinion?

  6. Tina says:

    Agenda 21 is behind it! Tax it and the people just hanging on will lose their land.

    Ag 21 is GLOBAL