obama-blue-pillDave Hodges

The Common Sense Show

The United States is quickly descending down the path of serfdom in a 21st century application of modern day feudalism. This is a two part series which briefly traces the rapid decent of what once was the most dynamic and wealthiest empire in the history of the planet, to a country which will soon be labeled as a Third World country. These times are marked by the elite moving to own everything and using the power of the government to accomplish their end-game.

Descent Into Communitarianism

A new strategy has appeared in America which threatens to make a real live serf out of nearly every American citizen. The main emphasis of this attack is the ongoing conversion to  Communitarian law and a dramatic departure from our time honored Constitutional law. There are ten steps to implement on the way to your enslavement and incarceration into a feudal society.

The erosion of these liberties is not the result of a series of random, unconstitutional acts by a set of power-hungry globalist minions. Instead, the new and emerging system of American justice is bringing forth a sweeping set of reforms which is quickly ending our noble experiment with inalienable, individual liberties. This new system of justice, being visited upon our shores, is called Communitarian law and it represents the antithesis of Constitutional law as it champions community interests at the expense of individual liberties. Terms like social justice, sustainability, smart growth, collectivism and sacrificing for the greater good represent some of the buzz words and phrases of Communitarian law.

Americans have come to expect that our individual liberties are granted by God, not by man or by government. We also believe, as Thomas Jefferson wrote, that these rights are inalienable and may not be taken away by government. The United States Constitution prevents not only the implementation of tyrannical practices against its citizens, it also prohibits the will of the majority from abusing the civil liberties of the minority.

Sadly, the United States Constitution is on life support and the patient is nearing the end. So where is this leading the country? READ MORE…

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13 Responses to “How to Turn a Republic Into A Serfdom”

  1. Anna Van Z says:

    It’s interesting that the author Hodges laments my supposed “name-calling”, while at the same time saying I’m “full of venom” and “uncouth”. Not sure what that’s based on, but I am entitled to make my argument using the vernacular that’s comfortable for me. I don’t need to adhere to some righty framework for self-expression, whatever that might happen to be.

    And I stand by my argument that the premise of Hodge’s article is way off-base. The right is pissed off, as we all should be, but for the wrong reasons. I’m not sure why articles from his website are appearing here on Farm Wars, but it making me seriously re-evaluate my linkage to this site.

  2. Marc Ferguson says:

    Thanks Chris-

    Farm Wars editors take note. Justice Black’s words – so aptly posted by Chris – is the type of reading I have come to expect on this site, not the drivel of Dave Hodges.

  3. common law private attorney general Chris says:

    “The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter, benighted ignorance.”

    Adderley v. State of Florida,385 U.S. 39, 49 (1967) Decision by Justice Black

    [ Footnote 1 ] “Where would we really find the principal danger to civil liberty in a republic? Not in the governors as governors, not in the governed as governed, but in the governed unequipped to function as governors.

    The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter, benighted ignorance.

    Relying as it does on the consent of the governed, representative government cannot succeed unless the community receives enough information to grasp public issues and make sensible decisions.

    As lights which may have been enough for the past do not meet the needs of the present, so present lights will not suffice for the more extensive and complex problems of the future.

    Heretofore public enlightenment may have been only a manifest desideratum; today it constitutes an imperative necessity.

    The First Amendment, says Justice Black, `reflects the faith that a good society is not static but advancing, and that the fullest possible interchange of ideas and beliefs is essential to attainment of this goal.’

    [From Feldman v. United States, 322 U.S. 487, 501 (dissenting opinion).]” Cahn, supra, at 102.

  4. Dave Hodges says:

    With all due respect, some of the comments on here relfect why we have lost our country. We have lost our country because of some very abject ignorance. This ignorance has kept the people from acting in unison which could have stopped the progress of the enslavement of this country. Please allow me to respond to some of this gross igorance.

    1. Marc F is basically saying that there is no such thing as a shift into Communitarian law and that we have always had it. Respectfully, Marc needs to retake American history and American government class. Communitarian law is the basis for all law in Europe and around the world where civil liberties are granted by government and therefore, can be taken away by government when it is in the “common good” to do so. Did Mark ever read John Locke and Thomas Jefferson? Apparently not! In our Constitutional system of law, civil liberties are presumed to be granted by God and therefore, cannot be taken away. The downfall of our Constitutional Republic is based on the embracing of unconstitutional law under the color of communitarianism. The passage of the NDAA is a great point in fact which illustrates this shift in thinking. The fact that we can be snatched off the street without the due process of law in violation of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments to the Constitution demonstrates this shift away Constitutional law to Communitarian law. The fact that Marc does not recognize the shift in our country to communitarian law, which is taught to every first year law student, is a display of ignorance and this ignorance invalidates the rest of his argument since it is based upon the non-existence of this shift to communitarian law.

    Anna Van Z stated “This is another wingnut screed that has only one correct statement: That Americans are turning into serfs. Everything else is bullshit.”

    This is a perfect illustration of when someone is having trouble forming a cohesive argument, they resort nonsensical name-calling, throw in an expletive or 2, which demonstrates a lack of command of the English language, rather than civily engaging in meaningful and respectful debate.

    Anna’s reading comprehension needs to be called into question here. The article mentioned concepts such as social justice, communitariansim, etc. There were several elements which were mentioned which have contributed to the demise of our Constitution. I do not believe that concepts such as social justice are a primary cause of the demise of the Constitution, but these concepts are contributing factors. Add all of these factors up and one ends up with a death by a 1000 cuts scenario.

    I believe that if Anna VZ were to wipe the venom from her eyes and subsequently were to replace the word Communitarianism with the phrase that that the government has been hijacked by the central bankers, we would agree on most things. Anna is blinded by semantics. Additionally, when Anna uses phrases like “B… S…” and “WTF”, she greatly diminishes her credibility and appears to the reading public as being uncouth and uncivilized.

    If we are to defeat these bankers, we must remain at a high level of professionalism if we are to attract the masses like Marc who are apparently still quite asleep. And I mean no personal disprespect to Marc but when you separate government from the power elite, and refer to them as 2 separate entitites, as he does in his argument, he is showing a distinct lack of understanding that it is the central bankers who are running our government. Before Marc calls for proof this “paranoia” shall we talk about the bail outs (i.e. private theft of public funds by the banksters on Wall Street)? Shall I mention that only yesterday JPMORGANCHASE announced that it implementing policies which will make is nearly impossible for you to take your money out the country or to withdraw $50,000 or wire transfer your money to another bank. Today, HSBC bank made the same announcement. The other megabanks, there are only 4 others, will undoubtedly soon make the same announcement. In Europe, the banksters are preparing to take 10% of all accounts off of the top. I believe that Europe and America will soon implement each others strategy. I am posting an article on this tomorrow on http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com which will have all the documentation.

    To Marc and Anna, I mean you no disrespect. In fact, I would welcome your help in turning back this form of totaliarism which is sweeping the planet and it is mostly banker inspired. Marc and Anna while you sleep, they are preparing to incrementally steal all of your assets in the bank. Why? Because the banksters need our funds to pay off the derivatives debt totaling $1 quadrillion dollars which 16 times more than the gross product of the planet. I have all the documetation on my website and I would suggest you read these articles I have written and published over the past week, and then take corrective action . I am speaking about corrective action in my next article.

    The bad news is, while you are busy calling me names, these plans are being implemented right under your noses. It is no secret and all you have to do is look, the documentation is all there. Unfortunately, you have instead chosen to fall for the bankers divide and conquer strategy which keeps up from being united and fighting with each other, instead of doing real homework on the claims I made. Calling me names does not change the facts.

    Best of luck to both of you and I understand your expressed vehemence toward my article is the result of cognitive dissonance because it hard to believe that everything we believed to be true when we were growing up is a lie and we are being ruled by puppetmaster criminals from the banking cartels.

  5. “Funny how the Supreme Court is ruled by the 1% and elite, yet recently, with a few exceptions, has ruled in the favor of the people – unless you think that health care reform, the governments authority to regulate greenhouse gases, gay rights, etc. are championed by the 1%. The major exception is the Citizens United ruling. Now THAT is true toilet paper work!”

    Obamacare, the regulation of greenhouse gases, gay rights, etc., are definitely promoted by the 1%. Obamacare is a train wreck waiting to happen, the greenhouse gas issue is/was promoted by the likes of Al Gore and his fraudulent hockey stick graph, gay rights is being exploited to completely eradicate the family, and on and on. “Sustainability” is now defined to be plastic grass and smart cities. The truth of the matter is, good issues are being twisted and turned and used to exploit the people and benefit the corporations that do the most damage and pollute the most. I personally could care less if someone is gay or not, but do not think that it should be promoted by the likes of Planned Parenthood as simply another option. In their books, anal sex is described in detail and endorsed for children. This has gone way beyond the realm of decency and is intended to depopulate us and destroy the family unit.

  6. Marc Ferguson says:


    Funny how the Supreme Court is ruled by the 1% and elite, yet recently, with a few exceptions, has ruled in the favor of the people – unless you think that health care reform, the governments authority to regulate greenhouse gases, gay rights, etc. are championed by the 1%. The major exception is the Citizens United ruling. Now THAT is true toilet paper work!

  7. Marc,

    You wrote: “The courts, especially the Supreme Court, is our most important social (communitarian?) institution.”

    The Supreme Court, along with all of our government offices and agencies are being controlled by that 1%.

    “The author thinks a ruling on property condemnation for the public good is new? Really? We formed the Union using an early version – just ask Native Americans – either that, or we were an invading army.”

    We were an invading army.

    “Our Constitution is a blueprint for how government operates, with individual rights described in the Bill of Rights and Amendments. It’s intent is not to isolate freedom solely with the individual, but rather assure a government that works for the benefit of the citizens without impeding those individual rights.”

    Our Constitution is being used as toilet paper by a government that is being ruled by the 1%.

  8. Marc Ferguson says:


    It’s not contradictory at all. You’ve confused the global elite (let’s call them the 1%) with the government, courts, etc. I would characterize the Author as a Tea Partier. Maybe that helps you understand why it is not a contradiction. The courts, especially the Supreme Court, is our most important social (communitarian?) institution. The author thinks a ruling on property condemnation for the public good is new? Really? We formed the Union using an early version – just ask Native Americans – either that, or we were an invading army. The author also concocts this bizarre mortgage securities purchase scheme in order to control the land. Wow, not only paranoid, but clueless about mortgage securities.

    The author either fabricates the thing he calls Communitarianism (or has adopted it from someone else who fabricated it) It doesn’t exist. Our Constitution is a blueprint for how government operates, with individual rights described in the Bill of Rights and Amendments. It’s intent is not to isolate freedom solely with the individual, but rather assure a government that works for the benefit of the citizens without impeding those individual rights.

  9. The word “communitarianism,” I believe, is being used by the author to depict a centrally controlled form of the concept that is directed by an “elite.” Here is a definition:


    Not all forms of communitarianism are bad. From the definition:

    “Responsive communitarians stress that individuals who are well-
    integrated into communities are better able to reason and act in responsible ways than isolated individuals, but add that if social pressure to conform rises to high levels, it will undermine the individual self.

    Communitarians pay special attention to social institutions, several of which form the moral infrastructure of society: families, schools, communities….”

    What is being pointed out in the article is that communitarianism is being taken to the extreme in that indoctrination of our society into a group of people who have been pressured to conform to an arbitrary set of rules by the “elite” is designed to subjugate and control individual action and thought. That is an extreme type of “community” that the definition warns about. As with everything, the knife is sharpened on both sides.

  10. Anna Van Z says:

    This is another wingnut screed that has only one correct statement: That Americans are turning into serfs. Everything else is bullshit. The REASON Americans are now virtually serfs isn’t because of “social justice”, or “sustainability” movements, or any other such reason.

    Sustainability movements didn’t ruin the economy! Social justice movements didn’t implement disastrous free trade agreements which oversaw the wholesale export of jobs to the third world! Or gutted labor unions! These movements also haven’t printed money with reckless abandon, or provided huge subsidies and tax breaks to gigantic corporations who are already highly profitable (at tax payer expense!).

    The government hands out huge “farm” subsidies to rich people in urban areas who don’t even farm! They pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars to NOT grow things! Meanwhile, family farmers are almost extinct, and small organic SUSTAINABLE farmers (those not polluting the earth with toxins) struggle on their own.

    This is because of the PTB, the 1%, the financial elite, the corporate cabal which really runs things! So please explain how American serfdom is due to this bullshit phrase Communitariansim”?!! WTF!

  11. Marc,

    First you say “this article is both dead wrong and paranoid.” Then you say “The author see’s these changes from his perspective only rather than those he suggests are the beneficiaries of the changes. Where he see’s his freedoms stripped are viewed exactly the opposite from those who benefit from the changes” and then “This article is just the latest of many examples of the elite and empowered losing their power.” So many contradictions. Just exactly how is it dead wrong and paranoid? Please be specific. The beneficiaries of the changes are those who wield power. The 1% if you will, and I don’t think that we need anymore media coverage of that perspective. The MSM does a bangup job with that. First you say that “someone” will be benefiting from the changes (the 1%), and criticize the author for not explaining their viewpoint, then you say that the “elite and empowered” are losing their power. Which is it? Are they benefiting or losing?

  12. Marc Ferguson says:

    I like so much of what you publish on this site, but you realize that this article is both dead wrong and paranoid. The same article could have been written seventy years ago with a much better example of what government did to A&B Stores (research it). What is described as Communitarian Law is nothing new – and in fact, has occurred for all of our 240 years, as the world and population has changed. The author see’s these changes from his perspective only rather than those he suggests are the beneficiaries of the changes. Where he see’s his freedoms stripped are viewed exactly the opposite from those who benefit from the changes. This is also nothing new – the slave owner and slave come to mind. The business owner and the child-laborer. The bank owner and the minority borrower living in a red-lined district of town. I can give you thousands of examples. This article is just the latest of many examples of the elite and empowered losing their power.

  13. frank says:

    now go here:
    “TELL ME THIS???

    Know that I, and many of my SEAL brothers, will not standby and watch Americans be interned!”